Grace in Focus – May/June 2022
If You Stop Loving Jesus
By Bob Wilkin If you stop loving Jesus, do you lose your salvation? A reader asks some heartfelt questions: I am so confused about the logical outcomes of the theology being taught here [] and other grace doctrinal theologies. No doubt I agree with a lot of it, but I don’t know what to think
Romans 16: A Concise Commentary
From The Grace New Testament Commentary (Revised Edition) By Zane Hodges with Bob Wilkin1 PAUL’S COMMENDATION OF PHOEBE (16:1-2) 16:1-2. Evidently Phoebe is the bearer of the letter from Paul to the Romans. The word translated a deaconess (diakonos) can also be translated a servant, an agent, or even a courier. At the least Paul
Sexual Sins in Thyatira
By Philippe R. Sterling WHEN TEMPTED BY SEXUAL SIN: JUST SAY “NO!” Jesus judged the church at Thyatira that tolerated immoral behavior (Rev 2:18-29). We live in a sex-crazed world. Giving in to the world’s sexual enticements will snuff out our spiritual fire. Sexual sin will pull us away from following Jesus. Heeding the message
He Never Stops Working
By Chris Clark A few months ago, I attended a three-day prayer summit with a group of pastors and ministry leaders. I came away from that time encouraged and energized. I was reminded that God never stops working. That is one of several truths we discover in the Lord’s raising of Lazarus from the dead
Elisabeth: My Hero
By Ken Yates This is an excerpt from a forthcoming book. ONE YEAR LATER July 14, 2021. Libby died exactly one year ago today. She was 35 years old. She was my daughter. My wife, our daughters, and I went to her favorite restaurant for dinner in her memory. The waitress asked if we were
Two Pieces of the Armor of God
By Kathryn Wright INTRODUCTION I remember taking a mandatory class for all future teachers in my senior year of college. Midway through the semester, the teacher gave us a group project: we had to create a lesson plan that could be applied to all our subjects. For example, if the history teacher discussed the civil
Miracles Are Possible
By Dix Winston “If we admit God, must we admit Miracle? Indeed, indeed, you have no security against it. That is the bargain.” ~C. S. Lewis A certain pastor observed a little girl standing outside the preschool Sunday school classroom between Sunday school and worship, waiting for her parents to come and pick her up
Reality Is Christocentric (John 1:1-3)
By Shawn Lazar In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made (John 1:1-3). The word radical is overused, but if it fits anything, I