Grace in Focus – May/June 2021

Tips for Future Seminary Students
By Bob Wilkin Fourteen years ago, I taught a discipleship group for seminarians. I sought to help them avoid some of the pitfalls of seminary education. In this article, I will share some of the tips I have for those I was mentoring. These tips apply to both seminary students and Bible college students. Historically
“Glory” in Romans 8
By Ken Yates The noun glory occurs sixteen times in the Book of Romans. The verb glorify is used an additional five times in Romans. Many of these twenty-one uses refer to the glory of God (1:23; 3:7, 23; 4:20; 6:4, etc.) and to glorifying God (1:21; 15:6, 9). I would like to narrow down
Romans 10: A Concise Commentary
By Zane Hodges From The Grace New Testament Commentary (Revised Edition) Israel’s Need for Righteousness (10:1-4) 10:1. Though it is true that Israel is under God’s wrath, Paul strongly affirms that his desires for Israel are positive. The desire of his heart, as well as his prayer to God, is that their spiritual situation might
Obtaining God’s Approval
By Bill Fiess There is a word in the NT that all believers need to be aware of. In Greek, it is the word dokimos. A NT Greek dictionary will tell us that the word means either “approved” or “tested.” These two ideas go together. Something can be put to the test to see if
A New Song (Revelation 14:3)
By Kathryn Wright An Intimate Setting A few years ago, my husband and I got the chance to visit Nashville, Tennessee. It was an incredible trip, where we got to walk downtown and hear music flood the streets from the honky-tonks and open mics that make the town famous. We visited the Country Music Hall
How Do We Know That Saving Faith Requires No Works on Our Part?
By Bob Wilkin Recently I wrote a blog entitled, “Understanding Saving Faith Is Not Like Breaking the Enigma Code.” I argued that saving faith is simply being convinced that the Lord Jesus Christ guarantees everlasting life that cannot be lost to all who believe in Him for that life. J. H. read that blog and
Cancer: A Holy Experience
By Marcia Hornok Alone with God I have a Holy of Holies in my home. A place where nothing interrupts my solitude with God. Neither phone calls, media messages, nor family members intrude when I enter it. Only God and I meet there daily in this Holy Place. Now I’m not an especially disciplined Christian,
Is “Continuous” Believing Required for the New Birth?
By Steve Elkins I really enjoyed Dan Wallace when I had him for Greek grammar. I thought he was one of the best teachers at my seminary. But presently I’m grieved that his Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics has won the day in Evangelical schools and carries such great influence over preachers and teachers. In
Top 5 Overlooked Women in the Bible
By Summer Stevens The Bible is filled with fascinating accounts of women such as Deborah, Esther, and Rahab. We study these women for their faith in God despite dangerous or uncertain circumstances. Many of the Bible’s popular female characters make it into Hebrews’ “Hall of Fame,” as they should. But there are many other women
Why Many Puritans Died Without Assurance
By Shawn Lazar The Puritans remain immensely popular. But reading the Puritans can be dangerous for your assurance. R. T. Kendall explains why. Kendall went to Oxford to study the Puritans and was surprised by how they lacked assurance of their salvation. He explains it in the introduction to his book Grace: I went to