Grace in Focus – January/February 2022
Are You Predestined? (Ephesians 1–3)
By Cal Staggers In his letter to the Ephesians, does Paul say that you or I are predestined to be adopted as God’s sons and to obtain an inheritance in the kingdom? Let’s use exegesis to define the words and terms in Eph 1:1–3:6 and try to understand Paul’s argument using only the letter itself.
You Are Not Under Law (Romans 6:14)
Please see original blog post here.
Body Armor (Ephesians 6:10-18)
By Kathryn Wright In 2001, the United States Army began using the motto an “Army of One.” It replaced the popular slogan, “Be all you can be,” which ran for over 20 years. By contrast, “Army of One” only lasted five years. Critics of the motto made an insightful observation: an “Army of One” goes
By Anthony Badger Calvinism Question. I see a lot of people turning to Calvinism. I believe God in His sovereignty gave us free will, and He does intervene on earth, but that doesn’t take away our free will. I just wanted to ask what the church believed before Augustine (300-400 years after Christ)? Also, Calvinists
Noah: Saved by Faith and by Works
By Shawn Willson In late 2021, I preached through the story of Noah for the second time in my pastoral ministry. As I began the series, I took a moment to look back on what I wrote on Noah in 2009. I cringed when I saw the title of the second sermon in the series.
When People Get Angry at Easy Salvation (2 Kings 5:1-19)
Please see original blog post here.
Full and Meaningful Lives? (2 Peter 3:9)
Please see original blog post here.
God Doesn’t Forget (Hebrews 6:10)
Please see original blog post here.
Romans 14: A Concise Commentary
From The Grace New Testament Commentary (Revised Edition) By Zane Hodges In Loving Others (14:1-26) 14:1. Paul was evidently aware that disputes on certain matters existed in the Roman congregations. His fundamental principle was mutual acceptance (15:7) and this acceptance must include the one who is weak in the faith. This signifies a person who
When Your Love Grows Cold
By Philippe Sterling What do you look for in a church? Some people look for a dynamic, young, handsome pastor with a beautiful wife who raises cute children, sings wonderfully, and leads a lively Bible class for the women of the church. Others look for a church with a lavish sanctuary, a first-rate orchestra, or