Grace in Focus – May/June 2017
A Back-Loaded Gospel: The Error of Redefining Faith
By Shawn Lazar {This is Chapter 3 from the new book Beyond Doubt: How to Be Sure of Your Salvation} My college roommate had a talent for card tricks. It infuriated me. He had this one trick called The Slapstick. First, he’d shuffle a deck of cards and ask me to pick one without showing
What City Did Abraham Wait For? (Hebrews 11:10)
By Bill Fiess For he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Heb 11:10). I believe that the city which Abraham waited for in Heb 11:10 is Jerusalem/the New Jerusalem (in the Millennium and on the new earth, respectively). A key to seeing this is that the author of
Salvation Worked Out (1 Peter 1:13-21)
By Zane C. Hodges {This is Chapter 3 from the new book First Peter: The Salvation of the Soul} The transforming work of God by which our “souls” are transformed and prepared for glory will touch every area of our earthly experience. The first such area, and the core area of all Christian experience, is
Churches Should Plant Churches
By Randy White It’s time for someone to say, “The Emperor has no clothes.” That emperor is the church planting movement, and this article is about the failure nobody wants to talk about. Church planting has been the rage of North American mission work for this generation. Almost every North American mission agency has given
Crazy Signs (Acts 17:16, 23)
By Ken Yates In Acts 17, the Apostle Paul finds himself in the city of Athens, Greece. Luke, the author of Acts, tells us that when Paul was in the city his spirit was “stirred” up within him (Acts 17:16). The word has the basic idea of being irritated or provoked about something. Luke tells
Get Out of Your Bubble
By Bud Brown It took me four years to meet my neighbors. Our home sits in a middleclass, working neighborhood surrounded by young families, retirees, and a few career singles. Like those around us, my wife and I were content to drive off in the morning, return in the evening, and retreat to the enclave.
By Staff Judged According to Works? Q: In Rom 2:6-10, Paul tells us that God will “render to each one according to his deeds” and we will be sent to “eternal life” or “indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish” based upon those deeds. How, then, can you teach that salvation is by faith apart from
The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
By Zane C Hodges with Robert N. Wilkin {This is Chapter 9 from the new book Tough Texts: Did Jesus Teach Salvation by Works?} Bob Wilkin (BW): To understand what Jesus is talking about in this passage, it is crucial to recall the context of the Olivet Discourse and to review its parabolic structure. In
Satan in Opposition (1 Samuel 18:5-16)
By Zane Hodges {This is Chapter 10 from the new book Spiritual Lessons from the Life of David} How starkly does the attitude of Jonathan towards David contrast with the attitude now seen in King Saul. Whenever God is at work, as He clearly was with David, Satan is also at work to oppose Him.