Grace in Focus – January/February 2021
Begging Jesus for the Right Reasons (Mark 5:1-20)
By Bob Wilkin The Scriptures invite both believers and unbelievers to petition God. Matthew 7:7-12 and the Lord’s calls to ask, seek, and knock are prime examples. In Scripture, we often find that people do not ask for the right reasons or ask for the wrong things. The account of the Lord casting out thousands
“Condemnation” in Romans
By Ken Yates The word for condemnation in the Book of Romans is katakrima. It only occurs three times in the book. In fact, these are the only times the word occurs in all of the NT. The three instances are found in Rom 5:16, 18, and Rom 8:1. In 5:16, Paul writes, while talking
Romans 8: A Concise Commentary
From The Grace New Testament Commentary (Revised Edition) By Zane Hodges The Spiritual Resurrection of our Mortal Body (8:1-13) 8:1. The statement of this verse succinctly expresses the core of Christian victory. In referring to the issue of servitude to sin (katakrima), Paul has reference to the problem discussed in the previous chapter and in
GES Overseas and the Problem of Tithing
By Kathryn Wright At the beginning of 2020, my dad, Ken Yates, and I had the opportunity to teach in Kenya through some friends: Catherine Ndinda and Jimmy Allan from Acres of Mercy. They run a school for young children outside of Nairobi. They also work towards reaching the pastors in their community with the
Goosebump Events in the Bible
By Marcia Hornok When our children were young, we had fun singing “I Wonder How it Felt,” a song that imagines what Jonah, Paul, David, Daniel, and Miriam might have experienced before God rescued them.1 As a spoof, I made up words for less-comfortable Bible events: I wonder how it felt to call your lying
Re-Defining Discipleship?
By Cody Wallace Dallas Willard on Discipleship Dallas Willard wrote a section on “Discipleship” for the Oxford Handbook of Evangelical Theology. In it, he gives a concise history of how Evangelicals separated salvation from discipleship. For example, Willard claims that WWII was great for soul winning, but bad for discipleship. In fact, he denied that
Top 5 Words for the Weary
By Summer Stevens As we usher in another year and the world continues to spiral even farther into an orbit of suspicion, fear, and strife, I find myself echoing Habakkuk’s cry. “How long, O Lord…?” How long will You allow this to continue? How long will fear dominate the day? How long will anger be
Eternal Security in John’s Gospel
By Shawn Lazar Does John’s Gospel teach that Jesus promised everlasting life that can never be lost? Does it teach eternal security? Is the doctrine of “once saved, always saved” true? The answers are yes, yes, and yes. How do I know? Read each of the following verses: “For God so loved the world that