Grace in Focus – January/February 2017

The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
A few years ago I was one of four authors, including Tom Schreiner, James D. G. Dunn, and Michael Barber, for a book called Four Views on the Role of Works at the Final Judgment. In my portion of the book one of the things I discussed was this parable (pp. 36-37). A reader brought
Worship: False and True (Acts 7:44-60)
God’s True Tabernacle What is the difference between true and false religion? On the surface they may have some similiarities. But God approves of one and abhors the other, because God has commanded one and has not commanded the other, no matter how similar they may be. The difference between true and false religion is
I Preached a Gospel of Doubt
By Allen Michael Rea Up until a year or so ago I was an avid Lordship Salvation pastor. In fact, I was a card-carrying MacArthurite. I studied theology at a small Baptist college where my OT professor was an Open Theist, my NT professor was a typical Baptist, and my theology professor was a five-point
Hang In There and Wiggle
This morning I put in a few hours of activity which should earn me some points in the father-of-the-year contest: I drove my son and some of his classmates on a school field trip to go fishing. Fishing with over twenty fourth graders is not really fishing: It is baiting hooks, helping them cast, pulling
The Lord’s Supper and Rewards (Joshua 5:10-15)
All Christians are familiar with the Lord’s Supper, also known as communion. When we participate in it, we remember our Lord’s death. He died in order to pay the price for all our sins. As a result, when a person believes in Him for eternal life, He is able to give life everlasting to that
Introduction It all began on a bleak and blustery midwinter night in early 1958. A young preacher in Philipsburg, PA was burning the midnight oil. During a study break he happened to pick up and browse through the current issue of Life magazine that had been buried under a stack of books piled high on
The Will of the Father Is That Believers Will Not Perish
I noticed something today in studying Matt 18:6-14. I completely agree with Bob Wilkin in his book The Ten Most Misunderstood Words in the Bible (p. 68) that this section is about believers. I was really struck with the similarity of Matt 18:14 and John 6:39. Each of those verses speak of the will of
Assurance Made Simple
What does it mean to be assured of my salvation?” That’s a question I often get asked. People want to have assurance, but they’re often confused about it. What is assurance? How can you have it? What is it based on? And is there a difference between genuine and false assurance? If so, what? These