Grace in Focus – July/August 2021
Why Is Faith in Christ Confusing for Many?
By Bob Wilkin Hundreds of people send us questions about what it means to believe in Jesus. We answer these questions often in our blogs, podcasts, and videos. John 3:16 says that “whoever believes in Him” will not perish but has everlasting life. Yet the simple words whoever believes in Him are incomprehensible to many.
Money Can Buy Love? (Matthew 6:21)
By Ken Yates We have all heard the saying that money cannot buy love. I think the basic meaning of the phrase is that if we try to gain the affections of another person, we cannot do it by showering that person with gifts or money. The other person will simply use you. He or
Romans 11: A Concise Commentary
From The Grace New Testament Commentary (Revised Edition) By Zane Hodges National Israel has been blinded (11:1-10) 11:1. Paul asks whether God is through with Israel: God hasn’t cast away His people, has He? And Paul emphatically denies it: Far from it! This question is relevant even today. Over the centuries of Christian history, right
Christ Our Pattern in Suffering
By Cyprian Antwi Awuah Suffering Is Real Christian suffering is real. It is one of those tools that God uses to facilitate the believer’s spiritual growth. Concerning suffering, Peter was explicit when he wrote: For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His
How Do We Deal with Conflicting Truth Claims?
By Chuck Deveau In our postmodern world, the concept of truth is subjective. I can have my own truth, and others can have their own truth. So, what happens when my truth conflicts or collides with your truth? Theoretically, we are to accept both as true. But in practice, we are to accept that which
In What Sense Do Unbelievers Die in Their Sins? (John 8:24)
By Bob Wilkin David from Mississippi writes: I see in The Grace New Testament Commentary where John 8:24 has been addressed. As it is stated in the Bible, Jesus took away the sin of the world–believers and unbelievers. He thereby gave every person the chance to receive God’s free gift of eternal life. But we
Report on GES Overseas
By Kathryn Wright Over the last year and a half, our overseas work has been limited by our inability to go in person. Thankfully, this past May, we were able to make our first international trip since Covid-19. For two weeks, I had the privilege to teach at Ambassador International University (AIU), about two hours
How Rare Are Virtuous Women?
By Marcia Hornok What to Look For Here’s what to look for in a wife, but you probably won’t find her. Most of us think that is what Prov 31:10 means when it says, “Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above ubies?” (KJV). Then follows a list of nearly impossible
Top 5 Observations from Psalm 37
By Summer Stevens I’ve been lingering in Psalm 37 lately. As I’ve done with other passages of Scripture, I initially found myself skipping over words or phrases if I felt they didn’t apply to me or if they addressed things I don’t struggle with. But God kept bringing me back, rereading and rereading, until (of
Thou Shalt Eat!
By Shawn Lazar Introduction After you believe in Jesus for everlasting life, on what spiritual activities should you focus? What does the Bible say? It’s easy to pick on Catholics and Orthodox for their unbiblical focus on man-made rituals and traditions such as monks, masses, feasts, fasts, and devotion to the immaculate heart of Mary.