Is There Biblical Support For or Against Vaccines?
We are given a lot of Christian Liberty in our daily lives, and we are told to take care of our bodies. Covid-19 has brought a lot of questions up about submitting to new rules that some of us don’t agree with. And what about the “weaker brother” issue? Bob and Shawn discuss these important
How Should Christians Be Dealing With Coronavirus Stress?
Are you dealing with added stress due to the coronavirus? I think we all are in some way. Listen as Bob and Shawn encourage us through this stressful period. Plus, does the teaching of GES promote easy-believism?
Is Covid-19 a Sign that We Are in the End Times?
Bob and Shawn answer a question we’ve received a few times now: Does the coronavirus indicate that the end times are here? Listen to their interesting discussion on this subject. Plus, Bob discusses his article on nine reliable evidences for saving faith from the March/April issue of Grace in Focus magazine.
Freedom of Religion and the Coronavirus

Until now, I’ve avoided talking about the American and worldwide response to Covid-19. But when Christians are not free to worship together on Resurrection Sunday, I feel it is time to say something. This is not a party issue. Independents, Libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans all support shelter at home orders. This is not an American
How Do We Worship During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
How can we worship when we can’t be together at church right now? Fortunately with technology, churches have several different options to continue to preach the word. Let’s remain diligent to gather together in whatever format necessary, and persevere until the end of this. Maybe we’ll come out stronger!