Grace in Focus – May/June 2020
“Can the Leopard Change Its Spots?” Eternal Security and the Limits of Free Will
By Bob Wilkin A friend sent me this second-hand question: “If God desires for us to always have free will, why would He not allow us to give back the free gift of eternal life if we so choose?” That is a common objection. I’ve also been told that while no one can pluck us
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
By Ken Yates When I was in the military, there was a phrase that we used time and time again. If we were explaining a concept to another person, especially if that person was new to the military, we would say we needed to “keep it simple, stupid.” We called it the KISS principle. The
Five Differences Between Perseverance of the Saints and Eternal Security
By Shawn Lazar Q: What’s the difference between eternal security (or once saved, always saved, OSAS), and perseverance of the saints (POTS)? Aren’t they the same thing? A: Well, they are often taken to be the same doctrine, but they shouldn’t be. I admit that some people use the terms interchangeably. But I think we
Romans 4
A Concise Commentary From The Grace New Testament Commentary (Revised Edition) By Zane Hodges God’s Righteousness Is Attested in the OT (4:1-25) 4:1. Now that Paul has made clear that righteousness comes “through faith in Jesus Christ” (cf. 3:21ff), he returns to the idea of OT authentication. The words what…Abraham our father has obtained state
International Teaching
By Ken Yates One of the things that GES does is take the message of grace to other countries. In almost all cases, we find that pastors and seminary students in these countries have very limited exposure to Free Grace theology. Recently, my daughter and I were able to take part in this ministry in
A Wife’s Career
By Marcia Hornok Women must fight for their rights and free themselves from “old school patriarchy.” This protest mentality of the women’s liberation movement indoctrinates women to a mindset of independence. They are expected to seek self-fulfillment in a career, competing with men for success in the business world. Being conformed to this cultural viewpoint
The Christian and the Coronavirus: Two Responses
By Bob Wilkin Response #1—If the Lord Wills (James 4:13-17) Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even
Top 5 Truths to Instill in Your Children Before They Leave the House
By Summer Stevens As a parent, I love the word “instill.” It means to put in, drop by drop. Values, principles and a Biblical worldview are truths that we have the privilege of instilling in the lives of our children. Every hour, every day, every month, we add drops of truth into the souls and
God Is Logical
By Dix Winston What is the most important verse in the Bible? Several years ago I heard a Jewish conservative radio personality being asked that question. Since then I have asked many Christians the same question. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world…” is the most often chosen verse. A distant second is, “You
James and the Resurrection
Christians around the world celebrated the day when Jesus rose from the dead. Truthfully, we do that every Sunday, but, by tradition and convention, it’s especially celebrated once a year—Easter Sunday. Why do I believe that Jesus was resurrected? Admittedly, the resurrection is an extraordinary claim. Yes, there are many documented cases of people dying