Journal of the GES – Spring 2018
Repentance and Faith in Acts 20:21
Kenneth Yates Editor I. INTRODUCTION On his third missionary journey, Paul spent over two years in the city of Ephesus (Acts 19-8-10). He then went to Macedonia and Greece, before passing back through Ephesus on his way to Jerusalem, as that third journey came to an end. On his way to Jerusalem, Paul spoke to
A Response to J. Paul Tanner’s “The Outer Darkness in Matthew’s Gospel”
Bob Wilkin1 Associate Editor I. INTRODUCTION The expression the outer darkness is found only three times in the Bible, all in Matthew’s Gospel (8:12; 22:13; and 25:30). In each case the Lord says that in the outer darkness there will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” The majority view among Evangelicals has been that the
When Is the Judgment Seat of Christ?
John Claeys I. INTRODUCTION Most JOTGES subscribers immediately recognize the Judgment Seat of Christ (the Bema) as an eschatological event—a significant, future event foretold by Bible prophecy. It is the public examination, by Jesus Himself, of the past faithfulness of every believer in Christ (OT saints included). Thus, it is a valuation of the works1
Greek as the Spoken Language of Christ
Jim Hitt Assistant Pastor The Main Place Christian Fellowship Orange, CA I. INTRODUCTION The question “Did Jesus primarily speak Greek?” is crucial in its implications for the inerrancy of the Scriptures. If the only teaching language of Jesus was Aramaic, the Greek NT must be a translation from Aramaic to Greek. But translations by their
Ethical Inconsistencies in Calvinist Pastoral Ministry
Allen M. Rea Pastor Higgston Baptist Church Ailey, GA I. INTRODUCTION The primary responsibility of the pastor is the ministry of the Word, i.e. preaching.1 This includes a moral obligation to preach what he believes to be true. However, what a pastor says in public should be consistent with what he says in private. If
I Mean Both: Double Meanings in John’s Gospel
Gary W. Derickson1 Professor of Biblical Studies and Greek Corban University School of Ministry Salem, OR I. INTRODUCTION As we read through the four Gospels, we get to “listen in” on Jesus’ interactions with His disciples, the multitudes, and His opponents. Without a doubt, Jesus’ favorite teaching device is the parable. He uses it to
Heaven and Hell: A Biblical Guide
Heaven and Hell: A Biblical Guide. By Robert P. Lightner. Taos, NM: Dispensational Publishing House, 2017. 112 pp. Paper, $9.95. This book is written by Robert Lightner, Professor Emeritus at Dallas Seminary. It is a collection of papers broadly related to the topics of heaven and hell. Chapter 1, “Heaven,” only briefly addresses the nature
Was the Reformation a Mistake? Why Catholic Doctrine Is Not Biblical
Was the Reformation a Mistake? Why Catholic Doctrine Is Not Biblical. By Matthew Levering, with Kevin J. Vanhoozer. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017. 240 pp. Paper, $16.99. This book was “commissioned by Zondervan for the five-hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses (p. 16).” Its intended audience is Bible-believing Christians who “continue to resonate with
A Defense of Free Grace Theology: With Respect to Saving Faith, Perseverance, and Assurance
A Defense of Free Grace Theology: With Respect to Saving Faith, Perseverance, and Assurance. Edited by Fred Chay. The Woodlands, TX: Grace Theology Press, 2017. 628 pp. Paper, $23.99. This book, edited by Fred Chay, is, for the most part, an apologetic against Reformed soteriology and Wayne Grudem’s “Free Grace” Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes
Is Calvinism Biblical? Let the Scriptures Decide
Is Calvinism Biblical? Let the Scriptures Decide. By Robert N. Wilkin. Denton, TX: Grace Evangelical Society, 2017. 280 pp. Paper, $15.00. Calvinistic theology is gaining popularity among Evangelicals today. I have been involved in Southern Baptist churches for much of my life, and this theology is becoming more and more prominent in the seminaries and
Replacement Theology: Critical Issues Concerning the History, Doctrine, and Dangers of Replacement Theology
Replacement Theology: Critical Issues Concerning the History, Doctrine, and Dangers of Replacement Theology. By David Dunlap. Port Colborne, ON: Gospel Folio Press, 2012. 146 pp. Paper, $10.00. As the subtitle indicates, David Dunlap addresses historical, doctrinal, and practical concerns with Replacement Theology. Dunlap defines Replacement Theology as the view that “the Church has permanently replaced
Spiritual Lessons from the Life of David
Spiritual Lessons from the Life of David. By Zane C. Hodges. Denton, TX: Grace Evangelical Society, 2017. 88 pp. Paper, $10.00. There are very few books written by Free Grace writers that deal with the OT. Spiritual Lessons from the Life of David is a welcomed exception. The book deals with 1 Samuel 16–19. Hodges
Going Deeper with New Testament Greek: An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament
Going Deeper with New Testament Greek: An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament. Andreas J. Kostenberger, Benjamin L. Merkle, and Robert L. Plummer. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2016. 550 pp. Hardcover, $49.99. This intermediate grammar, designed for the seminary classroom (though it would also be a great book for anyone
Reformation Commentary on Scripture, New Testament XIII: Hebrews, James
Reformation Commentary on Scripture, New Testament XIII: Hebrews, James. Edited by Ronald K. Rittgers. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017. 341 pp. Hardcover, $49.99. This commentary series gives the reader the views of leading Reformed scholars “from the late 1400s to the mid-seventeenth century” (p. xxii). The reader should not expect to be overwhelmed with