Journal of the GES – Spring 2015

Jesus’ Use of Spittle in Mark 8:22-26
Kenneth Yates Editor I. INTRODUCTION Recently, I read a thesis done in 1999 on Jesus’ use of spittle in the healing of the blind man in Mark 8:22-26. The author of the thesis is Sarah Bourgeois and it was completed at Dallas Theological Seminary.1 This healing in Mark is interesting for a couple of reasons.
Will the Bad Deeds of Believers be Considered at the Judgement Seat of Christ?
Robert N. Wilkin Executive Director Grace Evangelical Society I. INTRODUCTION God makes an amazing promise to anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ: “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more” (Heb 10:17; cf. Jer 31:34). And again, You, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He
Killing Jesus: A History
Killing Jesus: A History. By Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, 2013. 293 pages. Hardcover, $28.00. This book is part of the “killing” series of books written by O’Reilly and Dugard, about the deaths of famous people. Previous titles are: Killing Lincoln; Killing Kennedy; and Killing Patton. They have
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: A Compendium of Biblical Scholarship
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: A Compendium of Biblical Scholarship. Edited by Gerald F. Hawthorne, Ralph P. Martin, and Daniel G. Reid. Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993. 1067 pp. Hardcover, $60.00. This dictionary has substantial entries on numerous topics in Paul’s letters. For example, the entry on baptism is over 600 words, while
Only One Way?: Reaffirming the Exclusive Truth Claims of Christianity
Only One Way?: Reaffirming the Exclusive Truth Claims of Christianity. Edited by Richard Phillips. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2006. 151 pp. Paper, $12.99. This book consists of six chapters by six different authors. All come from a Reformed background and the material in the book was originally presented at the 2005 Philadelphia Conference on Reformed
God’s Providence: He Cares for You
God’s Providence: He Cares for You. By Mark J. Lenz. Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Publishing House, 2000. 146 pp. Paper, $14.50. In God’s Providence: He Cares for You, Mark J. Lenz explains the doctrine of providence in a way suitable for an Adult Bible Study class. The book is written in a personal style, with direct
The New Evangelicals: Expanding the Vision of the Common Good
The New Evangelicals: Expanding the Vision of the Common Good. By Maria Pally. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2011. 268 pp. Paper, $20.00. Marcia Pally is a professor at New York University. In this book, she makes the case that there is a growing tendency among American evangelicals to move more toward the left in their
God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life
God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life. By Gene Edward Veith. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2002, 2011. 176 pages. Paper, $15.99. In God at Work, Gene Edward Veith introduces the Lutheran doctrine of vocation and thereby presents a different way of understanding the meaning and purpose of the Christian life. The term “vocation”
Faith Alone: The Condition of Our Salvation: An Exposition of the Book of Galatians and Other Relevant Topics
Faith Alone: The Condition of Our Salvation: An Exposition of the Book of Galatians and Other Relevant Topics. By Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, San Antonio, TX: Ariel Ministries, 2014. 144 pp. Paper, $13.00. Fruchtenbaum heads Ariel Ministries in San Antonio, TX. He has long championed what he calls Israelology, the study of the place of Israel
The World Needs Monasticism
The World Needs Monasticism. By Father Benedict. Blanco, TX: New Sarov Press, 1993. 36 pp. Paper, $4.95. Father Benedict was one of the founders of The Christ of the Hills Monastery in Blanco, TX, which belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia but has since closed down. In the booklet, The World Needs
The Gift of Assurance
The Gift of Assurance. David J. Engelsma. South Holland, IL: Protestant Reformed Church, 2009. 61 pp. Paper, free upon request ($1.00 each suggested donation for additional copies). Engelsma is a five-point Calvinist. For 25 years he pastored two different Protestant Reformed Churches (1963-1988). Then he taught theology and Old Testament for 20 more years at
Making Heretics: Militant Protestantism and Free Grace in Massachusetts, 1636–1641
Making Heretics: Militant Protestantism and Free Grace in Massachusetts, 1636–1641. By Michael P. Winship. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002, 2014. 322 pages. Paper, $32.50. This book recently came out as a paperback. In it, Winship deals with what is commonly called the “antinomian” controversy of the Puritans in the Massachusetts colony in the seventeenth