Journal of the GES – Autumn 2016
The Healing Of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52), Part 2
Kenneth Yates Editor I. INTRODUCTION In Part 1, I argued that Mark’s so-called discipleship section (Mark 8:22–10:52) is addressed to believers. The section begins and ends with the healing of two different blind men. Both men are a picture of the disciples. The disciples were believers. They had eternal life. But they were still blind.
Does Free Grace Theology Diminish the Gospel? A Review of Wayne Grudem’s “‘Free Grace Theology’: Five Ways it Diminishes the Gospel”; Part 1
Bob Wilkin Associate Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society I. INTRODUCTION Dr. Wayne Grudem, professor of theology and Biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary, is the author of an influential and best-selling book on systematic theology.1 He has written over twenty books, including books on a Biblical view of politics, Biblical manhood and womanhood,2 Christian
Gordon H. Clark and Assurance
Shawn C. Lazar Associate Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Corinth, TX I. INTRODUCTION In Faith and Saving Faith,1 Gordon H. Clark argues that all faith is propositional. To believe is to be persuaded that a proposition is true. The difference between faith and saving faith is not in how you believe, but in
The Perseverance of the Saints? Identifying Augustine’s Influence on Evangelical Views of Apostasy
Everett Berry1 Criswell College, Dallas, TX I. INTRODUCTION Understanding the historical development of a Biblical doctrine always necessitates a familiarity with arguments that are formulated by substantial Christian thinkers which leave an indelible mark on how the church later deals with that doctrine. The purpose of this essay is to illustrate this truth by showing
The Coming Kingdom: What Is the Kingdom and How Is Kingdom Now Theology Changing the Focus of the Church?
The Coming Kingdom: What Is the Kingdom and How Is Kingdom Now Theology Changing the Focus of the Church? By Andrew M. Woods. Duluth, MN: Grace Gospel Press, 2016. 423 pp. Paper, $24.95. As the subtitle suggests, this book is explaining and arguing against the idea that Jesus is currently reigning as the Davidic king
Can I Lose My Salvation?
Can I Lose My Salvation? By R.C. Sproul. Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust, 2015. 65 pp. Paper, $2.50. R.C. Sproul is a gifted and clear theological writer. His booklet, Can I Lose my Salvation? concisely addresses the questions, “If I’m presently in a state of faith, if I’m presently embracing Christ, will that change? Will the
Getting Grace Daily: A Daily Devotional
Getting Grace Daily: A Daily Devotional. By Brad Bird. Columbia, SC: MarketLife Ministries, 2014. 366 pp. Paper, $15.00. This book caught my eye because I have often been asked by people if there is a good daily devotional available for Free Grace people. In the military, I saw that soldiers often read Our Daily Bread.
Preaching Christ from Psalms: Foundations for Expository Sermons in the Christian Year
Preaching Christ from Psalms: Foundations for Expository Sermons in the Christian Year. By Sidney Greidanus. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016. 595 pp. Paper, $40.00. Sidney Greidanus is professor emeritus of preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary. He is well known for advocating a redemptive-historical approach to preaching, and has a series of books showing how to
Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John
Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John. Edited by Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013. 724 pp. Hardcover, $219.00. Most JOTGES readers will experience sticker-shock at a $219.00 price tag. However, this book is a gold mine. You may (as I did)
The Case for Grace: A Journalist Explores the Evidence of Transformed Lives
The Case for Grace: A Journalist Explores the Evidence of Transformed Lives. By Lee Strobel. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015. 230 pp. Hardcover, $22.99. Lee Strobel is a former pastor of the Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois. He is today known as a New York Times best-selling author and an apologist for the Christian
1 & 2 Thessalonians
1 & 2 Thessalonians. By Andy Johnson, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2016. 349 pp. Paper, $26.00. I was not familiar with the expression missional hermeneutic before I read this commentary. After reading it I’m not quite sure what that is. Johnson, Professor of NT at Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, is not writing a
The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters
The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters. By Sinclair B. Ferguson. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016. 256 pp. Hardcover, $24.99. This book is about the Marrow Controversy. It began in 1716, when William Craig, a candidate for ordination in the presbytery of Auchterarder, Scotland, could not agree with the following
The End of the Pilgrimage: Your Judgment Seat Verdict and How It Determines Your Place in His Kingdom
The End of the Pilgrimage: Your Judgment Seat Verdict and How It Determines Your Place in His Kingdom. By James S. Hollandsworth. NP: Holly Publishing, 2015. 167 pp. Paper, $12.99. James Hollandsworth is Pastor of Tri-City Baptist Church in Forest City, NC. The back cover of The End of Your Pilgrimage indicates that “He is
Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith
Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith. By Francis Watson. Second Edition. London: T&T Clark, 2016. 560 pp. Paper, $39.95. Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith situates Paul in a metaphorical three-way conversation with Scripture and Second Temple Jewish interpreters. As a Jew, Paul would not have abandoned his Pharisaic heritage of reading and learning from
Saving Calvinism: Expanding the Reformed Tradition
Saving Calvinism: Expanding the Reformed Tradition. By Oliver D. Crisp. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016. 165 pp. Paper, $18.00. This book has a fascinating title and subtitle. The dedication is even more fascinating: “To Robin Parry: Evangelical Universalist, Dear Friend.” Crisp is a Professor of systematic theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. And he considers