Grace in Focus – July/August 2023
What Did I Know?
By Mike (Tsung-Tsun) Lii I didn’t grow up in a professing Christian home. When I was an elementary student, our family attended church once or twice a year, not necessarily on Easter or Christmas. During my middle school years, I was taken more regularly to a Taiwanese-speaking Presbyterian church, which should have increased my Bible
Did H.A. Ironside Teach Lordship Salvation?
By Bob Wilkin *This article was first published in the June 1989 issue of what was then a newsletter called The GES News. One writer has recently suggested that H. A. Ironside’s view of repentance is the same as that of modern Commitment Salvation (i.e., Lordship Salvation) advocates (John F. MacArthur, Jr., The Gospel According
Is John’s Gospel Sufficient for Evangelism?
By Doug Potgeter I met a friend for coffee recently, and we thoroughly enjoyed an edifying conversation about the Bible and theology. At one point in the conversation, we started talking about what a person must believe in order to be born again. My friend mentioned 1 Corinthians 15:1- 4 and proceeded to explain that
Review of Is Calvinism Biblical? Let the Scriptures Decide by Robert N. Wilkin
By Kathryn Wright Calvinistic theology is gaining popularity among Evangelicals today. I have been involved with Southern Baptist churches for much of my life, and this theology is becoming increasingly prominent in the seminaries and pulpits. This especially seems to be the case with young pastors. When people defend Calvinism, they often deal with it
The Sobering Reality Facing Single Christian Men and the Top Five Ways to Stand Amid the Current of Culture
By Nathanael Stevens The news industry gained a lot of viewers through the debate on “a war on women”—but the tagline was mere semantics, if not outright deception. The truth is, there was and is a war on gender. More specifically, there is a war on masculinity and femininity. Women have been encouraged to renounce
The Sobering Reality Facing Single Christian Women and the Top Five Ways to Be Prepared
By Summer Stevens Meet Emma. She’s a kind, young Christian woman. She always thought she’d grow up, get married, and have a family, but she wasn’t in a hurry. There was plenty of time for that! Let’s say Emma graduates high school in a class with 1,000 people. Half are men, of course, so that
The Siege Continues
By Zane Hodges *This article first appeared in the July 1991 issue of what was then a newsletter called The GES News. This thirty-two-year-old article is especially relevant in light of Bob Wilkin’s new book, The Gospel Is Still Under Siege. In 1980, my long-time friend and fellow GES board member, Mr. Luis Rodriguez and
Psalm 90: It’s About Time
By Philippe Sterling A man went in for his annual checkup and received a call from his doctor a few days later. The doctor said, “I’m afraid I have bad news for you.” “What’s the news?” the man asked. “Well, you have only 48 hours to live.” “That is bad news!” said the shocked patient.
If Christian Leaders Aren’t Sure, How Can Regular Peeps Be Sure
By Bob Wilkin I watch the news for a few minutes each morning before leaving for work. On Good Friday morning this year, I watched Brian Kilmeade interview Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. The ending of the interview struck me. Kilmeade asked Cardinal Dolan if he hoped to become Pope. Cardinal Dolan replied, “I’m
Christ Is Credible, Part Two: The Credible Claims of Christ
By Dix Winston Jesus Christ claimed to be the Son of God. The New Testament presents Him as being fully God and fully human. His death paid for the sins of the whole world. As a result, anybody who believes in Him for eternal life receives it as a free gift. These are all incredible
Don’t Think You’re So Holy That You Couldn’t Commit That Sin
By Ken Yates All my Christian life I’ve heard people say things like this: “A real Christian would never commit that sin.” Of course, those who say such a thing differ on what that sin would be. However, one of the “really big” sins is to deny Christ. It is common to hear preachers and