Registration for the 2025 GES National Conference is now open!
Join us May 19-22, 2025 at Camp Copass in Denton, TX for our 2025 National Conference. Get the most current conference information and register online.
Early Bird Discount: Save $10 on Regular 3 and 4 day registrations when you register before February 28, 2025.
Grace Evangelical Society (GES) was founded in 1986 to promote the life-giving truth that God offers man the free gift of everlasting life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, apart from works done before or after the new birth (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:35, 47; 11:26).
Another of our aims is to promote Christian growth by emphasizing the Biblical truths about eternal security, assurance, and eternal rewards. Read more about what we believe.

Grace in Focus Radio
In this unique 13-minute show, Bob Wilkin and guests discuss issues that are vital to justification and sanctification, while keeping those issues distinct. Topics discussed include assurance of salvation, evangelism, eternal rewards, problem passages, perseverance theology, Calvinism and Arminianism, how to interpret Scripture, eschatology, and current issues in Free Grace Theology.
Recent Episodes
In 1 Corinthians 9:27, What Does It Mean to Be a Castaway?
Should Teachers Tell Unbelievers to Turn From Their Sins?
Will We Have to Answer For Our Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ?

Grace in Focus Magazine
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Grace in Focus, a free bimonthly publication, is filled with easy-to-follow topical and exegetical articles dealing with the gospel and assurance.
Read Back Issues
Free Grace Church Tracker
GES maintains a list of Free Grace Churches in order to direct people just like you to congregations that preach the gospel of grace. It is our hope that this list will help you find a church that preaches the gospel of grace.
The Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society, published semi-annually, contains scholarly articles regarding the gospel and assurance.
Read Back Issues
What Is Free Grace Theology?
Free Grace theology is the view that
- everlasting life is a free gift that cannot be lost, received by faith alone in Christ alone, apart from works of any kind;
- assurance of our eternal destiny is based solely on believing Jesus’ promise to the believer, and not on looking to our works, experiences, or behavior;
- believers are accountable for our actions before God, and will be judged at the Bema to determine our eternal rewards, but not our eternal destinies.
From What Is Free Grace Theology? by Bob Wilkin
Visit our video page to see video messages from GES speakers at our conferences and other meetings. You will also find some of our friends’ stories of how they came to understand Free Grace, and many other helpful videos.
GES offers a variety of excellent messages on grace issues by outstanding speakers such as Zane Hodges and Bob Wilkin. Special attention is given to problem passages and problem issues. You can go here to listen to MP3s of various messages.
GES has published several tracts that are designed to share and clarify the Biblical message of grace. The online versions of these tracts are designed for ease of use. Please share these tracts with your friends and family so that they can know of the wonderful message of eternal life through faith alone in Christ alone. Some are also available in Español, Deutsch and Русский. We also have printed tracts available for purchase in our store.