A Quick Note
Because GES exists to promote the clear proclamation of God’s free salvation, one of our goals is to make as many free resources available as we are able. In addition to sending out our magazine, Grace in Focus, free of charge to US residents, many back issues of the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society and Grace in Focus are available here to be read online. If you would like to help us with this goal, you may donate to GES here.
Grace in Focus Blog
Our blog provides short articles every weekday on a wide range of Biblical topics. Browse past blog posts or subscribe to receive new posts by email. We also provide several non-English blogs.
Grace in Focus International Blogs
Some of our most popular blog posts are translated into other languages for our non-English blogs. Available languages include Spanish, Portuguese, Filipino and Russian.
Grace in Focus Radio
Bob Wilkin and Ken Yates discuss the promise of everlasting life to all who simply believe in Jesus for it, and the related yet distinct message that all who faithfully follow Christ will receive eternal rewards. They do so from a Dispensational and Free Grace perspective.
Grace in Focus Magazine
Grace in Focus, a free bimonthly publication, is filled with easy-to-follow topical and exegetical articles dealing with the Gospel and assurance. The articles are both informative and motivational. Many find the articles so helpful that readers file them for future use.
Regular readers grow in their ability and desire to share their faith with clarity and confidence.
Free eBooks
We offer a growing library of free ebooks. Look through the listings and download them all, or just the ones that interest you. These are also excellent resources to share with others.
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society (JOTGES)
The Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society contains more in-depth articles. It is must reading for those who wish to stay abreast of current studies regarding the Gospel and assurance.
Book Reviews
We also maintain a listing of book reviews from JOTGES with reviews listed alphabetically by the last name of the author of the book being reviewed.
Partners in Grace
Partners in Grace is our monthly newsletter designed to recap our previous month’s ministry opportunities. If you would like to find out how you can become a partner in grace and help support the ministries of Grace Evangelical Society, please click here.
Audio Messages
GES offers a variety of excellent messages on grace issues by outstanding speakers such as Zane Hodges and Bob Wilkin. Special attention is given to problem passages and problem issues. You can go here to listen to MP3s of various messages.
Visit our video page to see video messages from GES speakers at our conferences and other meetings. You will also find some of our friends’ stories of how they came to understand Free Grace, and many other helpful videos.
GES has published several tracts that are designed to share and clarify the Biblical message of grace. The online versions of these tracts are designed for ease of use. Please share these tracts (here) with your friends and family so that they can know of the wonderful message of eternal life through faith alone in Christ alone. Some are also available in Español, Русский and Deutsch.
Bob Wilkin presents seminars at churches and Christian organizations. Normally these are conducted on Saturdays. Some of the topics Bob speaks on include: “Faith and Assurance,” “Lordship Salvation,” and “How to Share the Gospel Clearly, Confidently, and Courteously.” The latter seminar can include actual witnessing experience in the community, if desired.
There is no fee for these seminars other than paying for the speaker’s travel and lodging expenses. (Honorariums are suggested but are at the discretion of the host church or organization.) Send us an email for more information or to schedule Bob to speak at your church.
Commentary Projects
As part of its commitment to sound Biblical exegesis, GES publishes Biblical commentaries.
GES has published stand-alone commentaries on James, Hebrews, 1-3 John, 2 Peter, with more planned.
GES has also published a complete commentary on the New Testament, called, The Grace New Testament Commentary (in 2 Volumes). Fourteen authors contributed to this project including Zane Hodges, Paul Tanner, Réné López, J.B. Bond, Dwight Hunt, Al Valdez, Barry Mershon, Hal Haller, Shawn Leach, Brad Doskocil, Greg Sapaugh, Gary Derickson, Bob Vacendak, and Bob Wilkin.
GES commentaries are sold through our bookstore, Amazon, and electronic publishers such as Logos.
Reprinting Older Zane Hodges Books
In 2009 GES acquired the rights to all of Zane Hodges’ materials. We hope to republish many of his titles that have gone out of print. While this will not be a quick (or inexpensive) process, we are committed to making sure these books and booklets will be available again for those who missed out on them the first time.