What does Rom 11:22 mean when it says “otherwise you also will be cut off”? Bob and Shawn discuss what this verse is actually saying compared to what some use as a proof text to deny eternal security.
Why did the church fathers teach that Christians could lose their salvation when they failed to persevere? Is salvation and inheritance the same thing? Bob and Shawn lead an excellent discussion refuting, with Scripture, the argument that by sinning you can lose your salvation.
Bob and Shawn tackle the sometimes controversial topic of tithing? Where in the Bible does it say we must tithe 10%? Plus, is noticia (understanding), assencia (assent), and fiducia (trust) a part of faith?
Today, Bob and Shawn discuss what Contemplative Christianity is. Does it have any Scriptural support? Listen to their excellent discussion on this controversial topic.
How can a strong Christian influencer or leader sin morally? Bob and Shawn discuss examples of Christian leaders who have made indiscretions and what happens to them. Listen in to their interesting discussion today.
What do you actually have to believe to be born again? Bob and Shawn explore what the Scriptures say about saving faith. Plus, who was 1 John directed against?
What should our response be when we receive the gift of eternal life from God? Gratitude of course, and obedience and perseverance. What happens when a born-again person doesn’t react that way? Bob and Shawn discuss this important discipleship topic in today’s episode.
The Spring 2020 issue of the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society will feature an article from Shawn about J. Dwight Pentacost’s excellent quote on Eternal Security. Listen as Bob and Shawn discuss what Pentacost said and, most importantly, what the Bible says about Eternal Security.
Does discipleship automatically happen with salvation? Today, on Grace in Focus Radio, Bob and Shawn discuss the salvation message and what it means to “follow Jesus”.
We need to be aware of the teaching in our local churches. Is a lordship salvation message being taught or a faith alone message? Listen to Bob and Shawn’s discussion of contemplative spirituality and whether we should confront those who teach contrary to Jesus’ clear gospel of salvation.