Faith Undone: the emerging church…a new reformation or an end-time deception? By Roger Oakland. Silverton, OR: Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 2007. 261 pp. Paper, $12.95.
A few years ago I spoke at a conference. One of the fellow speakers was Roger Oakland. I was impressed then with what he said about the influence of postmodernity in Evangelicalism.
Oakland has done a tremendous job of unmasking the emerging church movement. His answer is that it is an end-time deception, not a new reformation as they like to claim.
JOTGES readers should be warned that this is not a Free Grace author. While he rarely gets into what one must do to have eternal life, when he does, his comments are typically fuzzy. Several times he refers to receiving Jesus as Lord (pp. 92, 112, 119) or as Lord, Savior, and Master (pp. 168, 169). He seems to view Rev 3:20 as an evangelistic verse and inviting Jesus into one’s life as a condition for eternal life. Yet once he points out that we justified by faith alone (p. 123), without bringing in things like repentance or commitment. He does cite Eph 2:9 and salvation being not of works (p. 168).
This book is must reading for any pastor, elder, deacon, missionary, or parachurch worker. I highly recommend it.
Robert N. Wilkin
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Denton, Texas