Grace in Focus – November/December 2005
Does God Allow Returns of Eternal Life?
My wife is a recovering bulimic shopper. One weekend she would buy five outfits. The next weekend she would return four of them and get her money back. Our MasterCard bill always had lots of credits on it. Sharon rarely bought anything in a store with a no-return policy. She wanted the ability to return
Change: It’s Not Mission Impossible
by René A. Lopez For some, a radical life change is “Mission: Impossible,” especially if their track record reads like a grocery list. Mine certainly did. In only five years, from 1986 to 1991, I was arrested almost forty times for criminal activity ranging from burglary, grand theft and armed robbery to cocaine possession and
The Lost Son – Luke 15:11-32
Luke 15 is the great repentance chapter. It has three parables related to repentance: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. I regularly speak on the parable of the prodigal son. I suggest that he represents a believer who strays away from God and then comes to his senses and returns to