Grace in Focus – May/June 2012
Voice from the Past: Is Salvation Probationary? Part 1
by Willard Maxwell Aldrich [Editor’s Note: Originally published in 1934 in the journal Bibliotheca Sacra, this article was written by then Th.M. student Willard Aldrich. He later went on to get his Th.D. and to be president of Multnomah Bible College (1943-1978). His son, Joe Aldrich, succeeded him as President (1978-1997) and is the author
Church Spotlight Faith Evangelical Bible Church
Faith Evangelical Bible Church Winkler, MB (Canada) Faith Evangelical Bible Church is located in Winkler, Manitoba, Canada. We have had the privilege of having Pastor Mike Comtois as our shepherd now for many years, and we appreciate the care and teaching that we receive each week. Our congregation is a unique group of people from
Liberating Grace
by Christie Perkins Liberating Grace for Life John’s Gospel is my favorite book in Scripture, simply because it is the only book whose stated purpose is evangelism: “but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His
Why I Don’t Believe Demon Possession Is Possible Today
I’ve had quite a few people ask me about a passing comment I made in the last magazine. Since so many have asked, I thought I’d answer everyone at once. To start with, I must admit that the Bible simply doesn’t tell us directly whether demon possession does or does not occur in the Church
God Hates Sin Because He Loves Sinners
by Grant Hawley Introduction As part of our training at a previous job, the staff watched a video together about sensitivity toward homosexuals. The basic message of the video was: even if you love homosexuals and treat them with dignity and respect, it is bigoted to believe that homosexuality is sin. In fact, it is
GraceWord Puzzle
Across Down 4. Can be a term used to describe wayward believers (see Luke 15) 1. God hates when people do this. 6. Jesus knew the fig tree was a fig tree even without this. 2. Since we are in a _________ state, we are not probationaries. 7. Not understanding the difference between justification and
Graceword Puzzle Answers
A Different Type of Grieving (1 Thess 4:13-18)
Paul said, “I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope” (1 Thess 4:13). As we shall see, Paul is talking about a different type of grieving. Prior to the fall of Adam and Eve, people were incapable of dying.