Grace in Focus – March/April 2013

An Inner-City Church planting Diary
by Lon Gregg Several years ago, our Denver Rescue Mission CEO off-handedly challenged us with a church-planting model of reaching our community. While our Mission is known for the “Jesus Saves” neon sign lighting the way to our overnight shelter, the boss’s challenge is leading to a paradigm shift in our mission strategy. Rather than
Sharing the Free Grace Message in Zambia
by Jerry Pattillo LOST BOYS This past July, I had the privilege of sharing the Free Grace message with eleven boys in Zambia, Africa. This was in conjunction with a group of Americans who went to share God’s love with, give hugs to, genuinely care for, teach spiritual truth to, and have our hearts broken
What About Those Who Die Without Hearing the Message of Christ?
CAN THE UNREACHED BE ETERNALLY SAVED APART FROM FAITH IN CHRIST? 0ne of the big issues in missions is the fate of those who’ve never heard the message of everlasting life. Roman Catholicism officially holds that such people are not automatically condemned. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says, Those who, through no fault
Truths of the Harvest
by Ken White THE HARVEST & THE HARVESTERS 0n more than one occasion, the Lord Jesus referred to those needing to hear His good news as a harvest, and of those who carry the good news to others as harvesters. In John 4:35, the Lord Jesus made the well-known statement that the fields are “white
More Than Dreams
THE STORY OF DINI There are many countries in the world today who are all but closed to the preaching of Christianity. Most are Muslim. In recent years there have been numerous reports about Muslims in such “closed countries” seeing visions or dreams about Jesus, and then converting to Christianity. More Than Dreams is a