Grace in Focus – July/August 2011
Give Your Faith the What For
Recently while reading a book by pastor, author, and famed conference speaker John Piper, I came across a super quote by him. Regular readers of this newsletter know that Piper is not a Free Grace proponent. He is a committed Calvinist. He jokingly calls himself “a seven-point Calvinist.” He holds to Lordship Salvation, though you
Arthur Pink on Dispensationalism and Free Grace Theology
by Grant Hawley The late A.W. Pink, champion of Reformed Theology, was a Dispensationalist early in his writing career. Pink wrote four books on the subject of premillennialism from a Dispensational premillennial perspective: Redeemer’s Return, The Golden Age: A Treatise on the One Thousand Year Reign of Christ on Earth, The Antichrist, and The Prophetic