Grace in Focus – July/August 2005
Have You Justified God? Luke 7:29
There is an unusual use of the word justified (Greek: dikaiow) in Luke 7. There Jesus says that the tax collectors “justified God” by being baptized with the baptism of John the Baptist. Say what? How can any human being justify God? He is the one that justifies us. We don’t justify Him. Or, maybe
Responding to Those Who Misunderstand the Message of God’s Free Grace
by Brian Stone1 Have you ever been approached by someone who accused you of believing something you didn’t and not been able to explain why their accusation was wrong? In explaining the free grace of God, I have been in this situation many times. Below are five of the most common objections I have faced
Hating Your Life to Keep It for Eternal Life? – John 12:25
Recently I received an email from a pastor in Switzerland who wondered what this verse means: “He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life” (John 12:25). Love and Hate Are Figures of Speech Concerning Priorities The person who “loves his