Grace in Focus – July/August 2002
Repentance and the Rich Man in Luke 16:30
Recently a GIF reader asked whether Luke 16:30 teaches that repentance is a condition of receiving eternal life. In Luke 16:30 there was a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. They both died. The rich man went to the portion of Hades apportioned for those who are eternally condemned. At some point he looked
Salvation by Faith Alone: A Look at Mark 5:21-43
By Doros Zachariades In his book The Miracles of our Lord, Dr. Charles Ryrie makes this important observation about the healings and miracles that Jesus performed: The main purpose of the miracles was to teach, to reveal…[but] the miracles also remind us of the consequences of sin—sickness, blindness, death—and of the power of the Lord
Interpreting Hebrews: Beginning with the Readers
This article formerly appeared as GraceNote 15 in the Spring 2002 issue of the GraceLife Newsletter. by Charlie Bing Many find Hebrews a difficult book to interpret. Perhaps the greatest difficulty is in interpreting the five warning passages (2:1-4; 3:7–4:13; 6:1-8; 10:26-39; 12:25-29). Many commentators treat these as warnings to those unbelievers among the readers.
The Time to Prepare for Tomorrow Is Today
by Keith Krell What if you discovered that how you live your life has significance for all eternity? I am convinced that this is true, and this understanding has radically altered the way I live each day. At a young age, I believed the truth that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins.