Grace in Focus – January/February 2008
Another Look at 1 Corinthians 15:3-11
I’ve heard many suggest that 1 Cor 15:3-11 is one of the clearest statements in the Bible of how one is born again. Many feel that Paul is here telling believers precisely what we should say in order to lead people to faith in the Lord Jesus for eternal life. It’s my contention that Paul
Now That’s Faith!
Luke 7:9 By Jeremy D. Myers There are two kinds of faith that amazed Jesus: great faith and little faith. In Luke 7:9, Jesus marveled at the great faith of a Gentile, a Roman centurion. He said, “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!” There were also times when the Lord
A Charge to Keep I Have If I My Trust Betray I Shall Forever Die! “Theology of Despair”
For about 8 years I was involved in a religious boy’s club. We played basketball, baseball, and tackle football. And we received religious instruction. My parents didn’t realize it, but this instruction was highly legalistic. I remember one song we used to sing often at camp. It is called A Charge to Keep I Have.