By Ken Yates
Many people in the Free Grace movement were introduced to Free Grace Theology through the ministry of a Bible teacher or pastor. In many of those instances, the teacher had been exposed to that theology in seminary. Often, that seminary was Dallas Theological Seminary.
But things have changed. Free Grace Theology is not nearly as prevalent at DTS as it was in the past. In fact, Free Grace seminary professors are few and far between. If the Lord tarries, where will the next generation of Bible teachers be taught grace?
Are the Doors Closed?
It would be easy to conclude that the doors to teaching in seminaries and training the next generation of Bible teachers are pretty much closed. Of course, some will receive the necessary training in their local churches, but teaching in an academic setting seems to be more or less a losing proposition.
But that is only if we look through a very small lens. The opportunities are still there if we will broaden our horizons. Free Grace teaching is welcomed overseas!
Wide Open
As part of the ministry of GES, we look to take the message of grace to other countries. I have found that Bible colleges overseas are open to Free Grace teachers. In the past few years I have taught in the Philippines, Africa, Costa Rica, and Nepal. In all of those instances, the students were very receptive to the things being taught.
In every one of these countries, I also had the opportunity to speak at churches. In most places where I have gone, the people understood English. In a few instances I needed a translator, but that has presented very few problems.
Planned Trips
To give you an idea of the possibilities, I would like to let you know what GES has planned for the coming year in this area. In the next twelve months I have trips scheduled to Mexico (twice), Nepal, the Ukraine, and Africa. In each case there will be a class of Bible college students who will be taking a class on a NT book.
In Nepal and Africa, English is the language we will use. In Mexico, Spanish will be used. I have been trying to learn Spanish and hope to get to the point where I can teach by myself in that language in a year or two. But even here, there is exciting news. The main teacher in Mexico has come to the GES conference a couple of times and is from Costa Rica. He is fluent in Spanish and teaches from a Free Grace perspective.
In all of these cases I will have the opportunity to speak at local churches.
I ask for your prayers as I go on these trips. Each one is about two weeks long. Pray that we would have wisdom in using our time and resources wisely. If you would like to come, please contact me.
Ken Yates is Editor of the Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society and GES’s East Coast and International speaker. Reach him at