Journal of the GES – Spring 1999

The Grace Exchange: God’s Offer of Freedom from a Life of Works
The Grace Exchange: God’s Offer of Freedom from a Life of Works. By Larry Huntsperger. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1995. 192 pages. Paper. $8.99. The title is fascinating: The Grace Exchange. After reading the book, I’m still not sure what it means. The author seems to mean something like this: by grace, when we
Let Faith Change Your Life
Let Faith Change Your Life. By Becky Tirabassi. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997), 171 pp. Cloth, $17.99. The title drew me in: let faith change your life. You bet. I wanted to see what the author had to say about this important subject. My interest was piqued further by the many glowing endorsements from people
Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse: Avoiding the Dangers of Materialistic Christianity in the End Times

Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse: Avoiding the Dangers of Materialistic Christianity in the End Times. By Jim Bakker with Ken Abraham. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998. 244 pp. Cloth, $19.99. Yes, this is the same Jim Bakker who headed the PTL ministry and who went to jail for illegal financial practices. A Prosperity Gospel preacher
How Deep Are Your Spiritual Roots? Luke 8:11-15
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Why Lordship Faith Misses the Mark for Salvation
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How to Energize Your Faith: Reconsidering the Meaning of James 2:14-26
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Discovering the Gospel
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Robert Louis Stevenson: So Near, Yet So Far
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