Journal of the GES – Autumn 1998

Free and Clear: Understanding & Communicating God’s Offer of Eternal Life
Free and Clear: Understanding & Communicating God’s Offer of Eternal Life. By R. Larry Moyer. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1997. 272 pp. Paper, $13.99. Larry Moyer, co-founder and executive director of EvanTell ministry in Dallas, has been a Free Grace evangelist for over twenty years. In this book Larry shares insights gained from his many
The Heart of Christianity: What It Means to Believe in Jesus
The Heart of Christianity: What It Means to Believe in Jesus.By Ron Rhodes. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1996. 208 pp. Paper, $8.99. This book will both please and disappoint most JOTGES readers. It will please in that Rhodes repeatedly speaks of the gift of eternal life and of faith in Christ being the sole
The NIV Application Commentary: Galatians
The NIV Application Commentary: Galatians. By Scot McKnight. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995. 320 pp. Paper, $22.99. McKnight is professor of biblical and theological studies at North Park College in Chicago. This commentary is part of the NIV Application Commentary Series, designed to provide both scholarship and application: “bringing an ancient message into a
Out of the Cults and Into the Church: Understanding & Encouraging Ex-Cultists
Out of the Cults and Into the Church: Understanding & Encouraging Ex-Cultists. By Janis Hutchinson. Grand Rapids: Kregel Resources, 1994. 221 pp. Paper, $10.99. As one who was in a very small yet dangerous cult group for 14 years before becoming a Christian, I was attracted to this book. Though I have been out of
What’s So Amazing About Grace?

What’s So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1997. 304 pp. Cloth, $19.99. I was delighted to get a chance to read this new book on grace. We can not have too many. I was not disappointed with the book, but it was not exactly what I expected. I thought
To Follow Him: The Seven Marks of a Disciple

To Follow Him: The Seven Marks of a Disciple. By Mark Bailey. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Publishers, 1997. 171 pp. Paper, $11.99. Discipleship continues to be a buzzword in churches which that that Jesus Christ told them to make disciples. However, there has not been much consistency in approach. Some discipleship literature and courses emphasize the
Grace Rules

Grace Rules. By Steve McVey. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1998. 203 pp. Paper, $8.99. This book has a simple message on how to live the Christian life: Focus on Jesus Christ in us and not on rules. Living by rules does not mature us or please God. The difference is between compliance and obedience,
Dr. Art Farstad: A Legacy of Love
This issue of the journal is dedicated to one of my dearest friends, Dr. Art Farstad who went home to the Lord on September 1, 1998 at the age of sixty-three. The following are some of the comments we have received about Art from people who knew him and were touched by his passing:
Eulogy for Dr. Arthur Leonard Farstad
This is the actual eulogy delivered at Dr. Art Farstad’s funeral on September 4, 1998 at the Mitchell Ministries Center at Dallas Theological Seminary. Nearly 200 people gathered from all over the U.S. to remember and honor Art FRANK D. CARMICAL Evangelist Harvester Ministries Plano, TX The first time I ever heard the name of
The National Repentance of Israel
DAVID R. ANDERSON Pastor Faith Community Church The Woodlands, TX John the Baptist had a clear, concise message to Israel: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt 3:2). Jesus had exactly the same message: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matt 4:17). And the people responded. They came in
Saving Faith in Focus
This article is chapter 1 in a book by this author entitled Confident in Christ: Living by Faith Really Works set for a February 1999 release date. ROBERT N. WILKIN Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Irving, TX Confusion over the gospel abounds. I hear it from people all over the country and around
A Voice from the Past: Salvation by Grace
This article appeared originally as the first three chapters in J. Irvin Overholtzer’s book by the same title, Salvation by Grace (Grand Rapids: Child Evangelism Fellowship Press, 1958). Minor adjustments have been made in spelling (e.g., Saviour to Savior) and capitalization (words in upper case were converted to lower case italics). A few sections of
Grace in the Arts: Some Personal Reflections on Dr. Arthur Farstad and This Section of the Journal
JAMES A. TOWNSEND Bible Editor Cook Communications Elgin, IL Art and the Arts Art was for the arts. That is, Dr. Arthur Farstad, long-time editor of this journal, appreciated the arts. In fact, he was a graduate of an art school. That in itself is fairly rare among evangelical Christians. There has long been a
A Hymn of Grace: Seasons of Rapture
Frances Mosher Pianist Christ Congregation Dallas, TX If Christ comes back in winter, when earth lies cold and pale, Will He find pilgrims watching, or will our hearts’ love fail? O hail our King in white! He comes from heaven to save us from tribulation’s night. If Christ comes back in springtime, when burst the
Assurance: Of the Essence of Saving Faith
A recent political cartoon in USA Today caught my attention. It is surprisingly relevant to my subject. In the cartoon a man and a woman were facing each other. Both of them looked like somewhat off-beat types. In the first panel, the man said, “Elvis is alive,” and the woman replied something like, “I agree