To Repent or Not to Repent: John’s Doctrine of Repentance
Introduction In the last issue of Grace in Focus (May/June 98), we considered the fact that John is silent, in his Gospel, on the subject of repentance. In view of the purpose of the Gospel of John to bring people to eternal life (John 20:30-31), we were constrained to conclude that John did not regard
He Who Keeps His Word Won’t See Death – John 8:51
I recently received an e-mail from a reader with a question about this verse: “Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.” The reader had seen a short internet article on this verse which concluded: Why does Christ say “he who keeps My word” and not “he
Looking a Wolf in the Mouth: Matthew 7:16
This article, which has been slightly edited and revised, was published originally under the title “Contextual Fallacies: Matthew 7:16,” in the Quarterly Journal of the Irenaeus Foundation Vol. 2, Issue 4 (Fall 1997): 18-20. By D. Scott Henderson “A text out of context is a pretext.” Most of us have heard this maxim. Yet how
Arguments from Silence, And All of That: Repentance Reconsidered
Although I was providentially prevented from attending the recent GES conference on repentance, I have heard that it was a very fine conference. The following article grows out of an issue that I understand was raised at the conference. Introduction In Absolutely Free! A Biblical Reply to Lordship Salvation, I stated that the silence of
Easter Myth or Gospel Truth? – 1 Corinthians 15:17-19, 58
A seemingly small event occurred during World War II that would change the course of history. Scientists found a way to unleash the power of the atom. The Manhattan Project discovered an amazing source of energy―one that ended the Second World War, that now powers nuclear submarines, and that has the capability of powering whole
Forever Loved
by Doug Anderson Loved so deeply, can it be? What does Jesus see in me? I was on my way to hell; “Well deserved,” is what I’ll tell! Yet He loves me through and through; Endless love, forever new; Knows no limit, knows no bound; Best discovery ever found! Made by Him, I’m His delight!
Making Your Calling and Election Sure: An Exposition of 2 Peter 1:5-11
This article, originally published in three parts in The Kerugma Message (Nov-Dec 1991, and Spring and Winter 1992), has been slightly edited and revised and is used by permission of Kerugma, Inc. Individuals may receive The Kerugma Message at no cost by sending their name and address to Kerugma, Inc., PO Box 141167, Dallas, TX
Doesn’t God Save Everyone the Same Way?
by Ralph Grant Over 25 years ago, I trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. It was like nothing I had ever experienced in my life. Overwhelmed by God’s love, I found a joy and peace that was indescribable. With perfect confidence in Christ I knew without a doubt that He had paid the