One ministry of GES involves taking the message of Free Grace to other countries. During the last week of October, there is an opportunity to do that in Costa Rica.
Bernie Hunsucker, a member of GES’s board, and I are scheduled to go there to conduct a conference for pastors. We will be dealing with the basics of Free Grace Theology and discussing how Lordship Salvation twists the Scriptures. In addition, the conference will look at various Biblical passages that are often misunderstood and taken out of context. There will also be time for questions and answers.
This is very important for these pastors. There is a heavy Lordship Salvation presence in the literature in Costa Rica. Many of John MacArthur’s books are translated into Spanish and are found on the shelves of these pastors. There are few Free Grace resources.
But GES is trying to address that situation. On this trip, I am bringing hard copies of one of Zane Hodges’ books that has been translated into Spanish. There will be one for each person. In addition, GES has translated some other books into Spanish and will give each participant digital copies of them.
There is also another exciting opportunity on this trip. A Bible college in Costa Rica has asked me to lead a conference for their students. They have many questions about Calvinism and I will lead a two-day seminar addressing these issues. The format will be very similar to the pastors’ conference. These students will also receive the Free Grace material.
The president of the Bible college has expressed his desire that I come back on an annual basis. It would be very exciting if I, and other Free Grace teachers, could go there and teach classes on soteriology and/or Free Grace theology once or twice a year. Who knows where that might lead.
I will be there for two Sundays and am scheduled to speak at two different churches. Alonso Angulo, a long-time friend of GES, is the pastor of one of the churches. He will also provide the translating work for us at the conference and the churches. I attended Alonso’s church when I was there some years ago as a Spanish language student. I have never attended the other church I am scheduled to speak at.
Many of you have been instrumental in these ministries. Some of these pastors and students in Costa Rica are aware of, and read, our Spanish blogs on the GES website. We have translators who translate some of our English blogs into Spanish. Others donate money for the books that we take on these trips. Of course, many of you pray for this important part of what GES does.
It is very exciting to be a part of this work. All of us can remember what it was like when we were exposed to Free Grace teaching and how it set us free from various stripes of Lordship Salvation. Almost all of us remember a time when we lived our lives without the assurance of salvation, which is the product of both Lordship Salvation and Calvinism. Many church leaders in Costa Rica think there is no other option.
Thanks to all of you for bringing the message of God’s grace to these folks.