I had to laugh when I read this question from Mike:
Dear Bob,
I believe the same thing about salvation—once saved, always saved. I am also a Democrat. Is it true that you have to be Republican to be Christian? Greg Locke said some very hateful words [about Democrats who profess to be believers], and I’m now found in a cancel culture world saying, “If you’re Republican, then you’re a Christian, and if you’re a Democrat, then you’re an atheist.” I’m offended by that type of culture. I also don’t believe that all Democrats go to hell because of John 3:16. If Democrats can’t be Christian, then that would say God would have to renounce John 3:16.
I laughed at the absurdity of saying that a Democrat can’t be born again. Let me be clear. The following are all born again when they believe in Jesus Christ for everlasting life: Libertarians, moderate Democrats, Socialist Democrats, RINOs, Republicans, Conservatives, Communists, Green party folks, Alliance party peeps, Constitution party members, fascists, anarchists, and Antifa agitators. If you are a Bull Moose person, I’m sorry I left you out. All people of all political affiliations can be born again. All they need to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for their eternal destiny. They do not need to renounce their political views or affiliations.
I agree with Mike. John 3:16 shows that anyone—whoever—believes in Jesus will not perish but has everlasting life. Whosoever includes Democrats.
Of course, most people in the world today, regardless of their political views, do not believe in Jesus for everlasting life (Matt 7:13-14; John 1:11-13; 5:39-40). Most Republicans lack everlasting life. Most Democrats do too.
The reason is not because of their party affiliation or their political views. It is because they think that they need faith plus works to enter Christ’s kingdom.
BTW, when I came to faith in September of 1972, I was a liberal Democrat.