Agur, a man of whom we know very little, wrote Proverbs 30. Most students of the Bible will recognize one of the characteristics of his writing. He likes to enumerate several things that have something in common, then up the number by one.
Proverbs 30:21-23 is an example. Agur says that there are “three things” that cause problems in the world. Then he says there are “four.” One of them is a servant who takes the throne and becomes king.
It is easy to see why that would cause chaos. A servant would not have the necessary temperament or experience to assume such an important role. He would be in over his head and could cause catastrophic damage. Imagine an unqualified president of the United States deciding whether he should attack another country with military force.
A clear example of what Agur is talking about is Adolph Hitler. He was grossly unqualified to lead a large nation like Germany. He was morally corrupt. He had no experience in military or economic theory. In WWI, he had been a lowly corporal who had a psychotic break that caused him to temporarily go blind. When faced with difficult decisions, he was bound to make tragic mistakes.
Perhaps the best summary of how unprepared he was to assume power over a country was given by an ally. Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy, met him in 1934, a year after Hitler became chancellor of Germany. Mussolini said that he was a “mad little clown” and a “silly little monkey.” Obviously, Mussolini was not impressed with Hitler’s ability. The thought of his becoming the most powerful man in Europe must have been of concern to the Italian leader. Mussolini probably thought that the most responsible position Hitler should have had was serving others as a waiter in a restaurant.
But we know what happened. Hitler’s madness turned the world upside down. Millions of people lost their lives because this unqualified servant became a king. Agur’s words, in that case, were prophetic.
As believers, we are anticipating the most qualified King of all time. In Christ’s eternal kingdom, everything will be perfect. Nobody will say that He does not have the necessary righteousness, aptitude, experience, authority, or power to rule. Every Christian should long to see that day. If he doesn’t, he should ask the Lord to change his view of things.
Agur was talking about things as they are in this current world. His words, as part of the inspired Scriptures, are true. But when we talk about Christ’s kingdom, things will be different. Under His rule, servants will be magnificent rulers.
In fact, Christ Himself was a servant (Isa 42:1; Mark 10:45). He came to serve us. He gave His life so that He could give eternal life to all who believe in Him for that gift. He told His disciples that if they wanted to be great in His kingdom, they would have to be servants as well. To be great in that kingdom means to rule in it (2 Tim 2:12).
Imagine that! Servants will reign as kings. They will not cause chaos and death, but joy and peace. It must be that way because as servants, they were like the One who will be the greatest King who ever lived. He will be the King of Kings (Rev 19:16). But He was first a servant.
Agur was talking about a fool who becomes a king. The believer who serves others is no fool. He is obeying the commandment of the wisest Man who ever lived. Agur bemoaned the fact that in our world, foolish servants sometimes become powerful men. Hitler was a clear example.
I hope that the King will say that I was a wise servant who will be a powerful man in His reign.