Grace in Focus – September/October 2005
In the Name of Jesus
Recently, Bob Wilkin and Zane Hodges have been meeting to discuss tough texts of the NT. Here is an excerpt from Matthew 7:21-23.* BW: In Matthew 7:21-23, the people who face the judgment are those who say they’ve performed good works in the name of Jesus. This suggests that the passage particularly has in view
Will Every Believer Be Praised By Jesus at the Bema? 1 Corinthians 4:5
Recently I attended a conference in which a main session speaker said that the statement by Paul, “then each one’s praise will come from God” (1 Cor 4:5), shows that every believer will have some good works and will receive at least some praise at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema). I’ve heard that claim
A Pilgrimage to Grace
by Kenneth Mitchell My journey to understand the wonderful grace of God began in earnest when I was a student in seminary. I earned a Master of Theology degree and even completed all of the course work for a Doctor of Theology. I left seminary to begin my first pastorate in Detroit, Michigan, yet I