Grace in Focus – September/October 2002
Waiting patiently for Him
by Jeff Ropp (Norwalk, IA) I don’t like to wait, do you? We live in such a “hurry-up” society. At the airport where I work as a security officer, people don’t like to wait for us to inspect their car trunks before entering the parking garage. They express impatience by honking their horn, shouting obscenities,
Eternal Security – Crucial in Evangelism and Discipleship
A few weeks ago a reader asked whether it is enough to tell people that if they believe in Jesus they will go to heaven, without talking with them first about eternal security and all of its implications. The questioner indicated that more people might respond positively to trusting Christ for eternal salvation if we
What Are They Teaching?
by Scott Paige Marshall, Texas I can remember back to my teen years when I wanted to borrow the family car and stay the night at a friend’s house. I knew I needed to ask my parents for permission. Always concerned that I might not get my request, I would think about how to phrase