I received this excellent question:
I loved the post about Adam and Eve. Perfect timing. I do have a question about that. Was man created to resolve the angelic conflict? We are discussing the purpose of man’s creation in our Bible class with some awesome GES members about this. I have looked up some info from Chafer’s Systematic Theology. I’m curious about this and other points of view but not obsessed.
Thank you for all the wonderful teaching. God bless your ministry!
That led me to do some research online. I found some articles that were helpful, but they tended to focus only on one reason why God created mankind: to bring glory to Himself. While that is true, there are other reasons. So here are seven reasons, one of which indeed concerns the angelic conflict:
- Because God wanted us to have dominion on the earth (Gen 1:28).
- Because He wanted to have fellowship with us forever (Gen 3:8; Revelation 21-22).
- Because He wished to rule as King of kings over us, even as we shared in His dominion (Revelation 20-22).
- Because He takes pleasure in us (Rev 4:11).
- Because He will be glorified forever in us (Rom 11:36; Eph 1:3-6; Col 1:16).
- Because we are a crucial part of His cosmic design for the world and the universe (Genesis 1-3; Revelation 21-22). There are many parallels between the first three chapters of Genesis and the last two chapters of Revelation (humans, the Lord walking with us, paradise, the tree of life).
- Because God wanted humans to share in His victory over Satan and his forces. Humans battle against Satan and his minions now, and one day we will be victorious over him and the fallen angels when Jesus returns (Rom 16:20; 2 Cor 2:11; Eph 6:12; 2 Thess 2:9; Rev 20:7-10).