Not Reformed at All: Medievalism in “Reformed” Churches. By John W. Robbins and Sean Gerety. Univoi, TN: The Trinity Foundation, 2004. 180 pp. Paper, $9.95.
Not Reformed at All is a polemical work intended for Reformed Presbyterians. In it, Robbins and Gerety show that Douglas Wilson is not in keeping with Reformed Theology in regard to their view of justification by faith alone. Wilson has abandoned the idea entirely in favor of justification through baptism and works. Robbins and Gerety lament that this view is tolerated in Reformed Presbyterian circles and call for a return to the faith of the Westminster confession.
Robbins and Gerety are coming from a viewpoint that is decidedly Reformed, but they do focus quite a bit on Justification being by faith alone apart from works. This is, of course, undercut by their adherence to Perseverance of the Saints. But sometimes for long stretches they sound like they are teaching Free Grace. It was good to see some resistance from Reformed writers to the blatant works salvation that is becoming more accepted in Protestantism and especially in traditionally Reformed circles. However, this book does stop short of truly teaching that eternal life is a free gift received through faith alone with no fine print.
While reading the book, I felt as if I was intruding into a private conversation. This book would indeed be valuable to a Reformed Presbyterian concerned with the direction of the denomination. But most JOTGES readers would, like me, find that they are not part of the intended audience.
Grant Hawley
Grace Bible Church
Allen, Texas