The Bible often teaches the importance of following a good example. In Luke 6:40, the Lord says that a believer will become like the one he follows. The point is that you should carefully pick those you look up to. The Bible teaches the value of not only having a good example to follow, but of being a good example as well.
In 1 Corinthians, Paul discusses how he had been a servant of others. He was following the example of Christ, who was the greatest Servant of all (Mark 10:45). It is for this reason that Paul says to the Corinthians: “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1).
In Heb 13:7, the author tells his readers that their leaders had left them a good example. He says: “Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.” They could look to these faithful leaders and see how they lived their lives. The readers could live the same way.
An inspired but anonymous wise man tells his son to follow a godly example as well. He says to the young man: “Let your eyes observe my ways” (Prov 23:26). How great is this? The father is saying that he has left an example for his son to ponder. His son could follow in his father’s footsteps.
This father has a very specific kind of example in mind. In the very next verse, he speaks of the danger of sexual immorality. A prostitute can lure a young man from the path of godly wisdom. That sin will turn him into a man who is unfaithful to the Lord. It is a path that will lead to dishonor and perhaps an early death.
Since the father is telling his son to follow his example, it is evident that the father has been faithful in this area. As the young man was faced with this temptation, the father was saying that he could respond as his father did. Even though the temptation was strong, the young man could conquer it, just as his dad had done. What a great gift this father was giving his son! The boy could also see in his father the blessings that flowed from avoiding this sin.
We need more examples like this in the church today. We hear almost weekly of Christian leaders who have not been faithful to their wives. It is discouraging. Young people need examples to follow.
While this theme applies to men and women, it is particularly an issue with men. So, I would like to address the men who read this blog. Guys, be an example for others to follow when it comes to sexual purity. The temptation in every culture is strong. It is all around us. But let us remember, we shouldn’t flee from this sin only because of the deadly consequences that come with it. We should also flee from it so that we can be examples for others to follow.
May we, like the wise man of Proverbs 23, be able to say to the young men in our churches who are watching us: “Guys, it’s tough out there, but ‘let your eyes observe my ways.’ Follow me.”