On today’s episode of Grace in Focus radio, Bob, Shawn, and Ken discuss Heb 13:7-17 and how leaders of the church and Christians alike are to conduct themselves.
On today’s broadcast, Bob, Shawn, and Ken carry on an interesting discussion over Heb 13:1-6. The author of Hebrews lays out clear instructions on moral living in this closing chapter of the book.
Today we are looking at the final warning passage in Hebrews found in 12:25-29. There is an unshakable kingdom coming; let us remain faithful in this life to receive the rewards that we long to receive.
Today on Grace in Focus Radio, we are discussing the section in Hebrews 12 titled “The Glorious Company” (vv 18-24). Listen in to this interesting discussion with Bob, Shawn, and Ken.
Our Christian walk is not traveled alone; we carry with us fellow believers, our children, and family members. Therefore, how we live is very important so we must pursue holiness. Our discussion today focuses on Heb 12:12-17.
Bob, Shawn, and Ken discuss Heb 12:3-11 and the topic of the discipline of God. “This is training time for reigning time.” As sons of God, the Lord disciplines us when we sin. We should look at this discipline as a chance to be made more perfect in Christ.
Because of the example of the patriarchs and martyrs talked about in the Scriptures and mentioned in Hebrews 11, we, too, need to endure in the race that is the Christian life. Bob, Shawn, and Ken discuss Heb 12:1-2. There is much wisdom to glean from these 2 verses; listen in to their great discussion.
Bob, Shawn, and Ken discuss Heb 11:31-40 and those believers who endured persecution to remain faithful. They overcame and obtained for themselves a better resurrection, just as we need to strive for today. Listen in to this encouraging discussion.
Today, we continue our discussion on the great examples of faith in the Bible as presented in Hebrews 11. Bob, Shawn, and Ken focus on Heb 11:17-30 and the faith of the patriarchs written of in Genesis.
Today, Bob, Shawn, and Ken discuss Hebrews 11:1-14 and the examples of faith found in the OT. These were men and women who lived their lives based on the promise that God made them. Tune in next week for more discussion on Hebrews 11.