Today on Grace in Focus Radio, Bob and Shawn discuss the passage of the rich young ruler found in Mark 10. What must we do to gain everlasting life? And what must we do to have an abundant life now?
Continuing our series of questions and answers, Bob and Shawn discuss if belief, or belief and telling God you believe, saves you. We know that Scripture is very clear as to the simplicity of the salvation message. While open confession is important, it does not save you.
Is there a “right kind of faith”? Is it true that those who fall away from the faith didn’t have the “right kind of faith”? Listen as Bob and Shawn discuss the topic of saving faith, security, and what happens to those who apostatize.
Today on Grace in Focus Radio, Bob and Shawn tackle a question about baptizing children. Do young children really understand why they’re being baptized? Do they truly understand Who actually saves them?
Today on Grace in Focus Radio, Bob and Shawn continue the discussion on God’s judgment and His love in enacting that judgment. Is it loving to send people to the lake of fire? Listen to their great discussion on this important topic.
Today, we continue our Q&A series with a question about King Saul’s salvation. What does it mean that he was rejected by God? Plus, is the sin the reason we are judged or is it something else? Bob and Shawn discuss these and other topics in today’s episode.
How can I find a church that teaches Free Grace doctrine? How did Free Grace Theology originate? Plus, did God really create the universe knowing that mankind would fall and suffer for all eternity? Listen to Bob and Shawn’s discussions on these important subjects.
Bob and Shawn discuss an interesting topic today: whether belief in Christ is a choice. When we seek God, He will guide us to the Truth, but our eyes and minds must be willing and open. Listen to their encouraging discussion!
Today on Grace in Focus Radio, Bob and Shawn discuss the topic of Eternal Rewards. Enduring in our faithful, Christian lives here secures special privileges in the life to come.