Welcome to Grace in Focus radio. Today on the show, Bob and Shawn will be discussing the judgement seat of Christ. We are told in the scriptures that all believers will stand before the Lord at the judgement seat of Christ and give an account for what they have done ( 2 Cor 5:19). This judgement is to determine the believers rewards in the coming Kingdom not their salvation from hell. However, there is a question regarding the public nature of this judgement. Will the sins of the believer be judged as well as the good works? If our sins are also being judged, how do we reconcile that with the idea that all our sins have been forgotten? Doesn’t the Bible tell us that if we confess our sins the Lord won’t remember them anymore? These, and many more issues will be addressed on the show. We hope you enjoy this episode.
If Believers Have Works Judged at The Judgment Seat of Christ Publicly, Doesn’t That Include Sins? Also: If We Confess Our Sin, Does That Eliminate Consequences?