Ministry Links

NOTE: The sites listed do not all necessarily agree with GES’s doctrinal statement, however, we do believe that visiting them may hold some educational merit. If you have any questions, comments, or additions, please feel free to email us.

Back to the Bible

There is an invaluable walk through the Bible in one year schedule, which allows you to read the Bible through in several ways. We recommend using the Old and New Testament Together plan.

Biblical Studies Foundation

Free Grace and Lordship Salvation views are presented on this site. Readers of GES will understandably take strong exception to some of the articles. Nevertheless, many of the articles are quite good.

Bible For Today

Numerous pamphlets on a wide range of subjects.

Biblical Research Studies Group

Hermeneutical studies. Bible Teaching of Dr. David L. Cooper and Burl Haynie

Clarity Trumpet

Free Grace in perspective and has useful articles.

Dr. Constable’s Expository (Bible Study) Notes

Wonderful verse by verse notes on the whole Bible. You may not agree with everything, but it is nonetheless an incredible resource from a Dispensational perspective. Each book is downloadable in pdf format.

Free Grace International

They are working on producing books, tracts, curriculum, and videos.

In the Beginning

Free Grace and features GES material. Provides links to other grace sites and has excellent material for further research. (Note, some of the material takes a rewards view of Gehenna in contradistinction to GES.)


LeaderQuest challenges the church to pursue Truth through Books, distinguishing biblical truth from theological traditions;Articles, exploring pertinent and far-reaching issues; and Seminars, providing a fresh viewpoint on critical topics.

Living Water: The Gospel of John

At this site you may request a free copy of the booklet “Living Water: The Gospel of John.” The Living Water Project is a ministry of Absolutely Free Inc.

Passion Vine Design

Web design services for the ministry, non-profit, and small business community

Scripture Unlocked

The Bible study website featuring René Lopez. There are also numerous articles by other Free Grace authors and speakers, as well as a bookstore and audio links for more Free Grace resources.

Through the Bible Radio

Using a five-year plan, J. Vernon McGee taught through the entire Bible on his radio show. You can listen to the archived programs on his website.

The Urban Alternative

The Urban Alternative is a Christian ministry that seeks to equip, empower and unite Christians to impact individuals, families, churches and communities for the rebuilding of lives from the inside out. They seek to accomplish this through conferences and various publications. (Warning: this site has auto-play audio.)

Zane Hodges Library

A collection of Zane Hodges’ sermons and writings.