Witnesses in Stone: Landmarks and Lessons from the Living God. By Frederic R. Howe. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1996. 144 pp. Paper, $8.99.
There is an old Jewish story that when God was creating the earth He assigned two angels to drop stones all over the earth. Each angel got a huge sack of stones and they were sent out flying over the planet. One angel successfully got his stones evenly “sprinkled” over the earth; the second angel had a little accident: his bag broke over Palestine! This story seems not too far-fetched to the tourist in the Holy Land who is viewing the stony, rock-strewn terrain. Dr. Howe, in 12 interesting and practical chapters, has produced a book quite unlike any I’ve seen before, giving four spiritual lessons each from some of the rocks and stones in the lives of Jacob, Moses, and Joshua. Some of these stony stories are well-known, such as Jacob’s rather hard “pillow” at Bethel, the Rock that Moses struck with his rod in the wilderness, and the “Sentinels in Stone,” as Howe calls them, to commemorate Israel’s crossing the Jordan.
Each chapter ends with “Points to Ponder”—a lesson, an action the reader can take, a suggested Scripture to memorize, and questions for review and discussion. This little volume is refreshingly unique and I recommend it for Bible classes, Sunday schools, and private meditation.
Arthur L. Farstad
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Dallas, TX