In Defense of the Faith: Biblical Answers to Challenging Questions. By Dave Hunt. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1996. 347 pp. Paper, $11.99.
Hunt’s full and well-researched book seeks to answer the hard questions on the Bible and on conservative, Evangelical Christianity in this organized and interesting volume. Part of the success of the text is due to the frequent documented quotations from the groups he is refuting, whether New Agers, Mormons, Roman Catholics, or liberals. For example, on the question of assurance of salvation, he quotes Cardinal O’Connor of New York: “I can hope, pray, do my very best—but I still don’t know. Pope John Paul II doesn’t know absolutely that he will go to heaven, nor does Mother Teresa of Calcutta” (p. 314). Next he quotes God’s Word in 1 John 5:13, with which our GES family agrees: “that you may know that you have eternal life.”
The author refutes all the current teachings that contradict salvation by grace—such as Mormon, Muslim, and atheist. Hunt is clear in answering a Roman Catholic seeker confused not only by Rome’s teaching, but also by the welter of Protestant views: “Your very question ‘What must I do to be saved?’ was asked of the apostle Paul. His concise answer is the truth you seek: ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’ (Acts 16:30-31).”
For a Bible Christian, this book is loaded with quotations, apologetics, and other helps. Needless to say, since he covers so many doctrines, you may not agree with some of them, but the book is worth the price and more.
Arthur L. Farstad
Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
Dallas, TX