Grace in Focus – November/December 2024
Did You Know That Jesus Christ Is the Angel of the Lord?
By Bob Wilkin About twenty years ago, at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, I heard a speaker present a message about the Angel of the Lord (Malak Yahweh). The speaker suggested that the Scriptures show that the Angel of the Lord is never the preincarnate Lord Jesus Christ. After the talk, I
Mirrors Can Be Deceptive
By Ken Yates INTRODUCTION When I was a boy, I was really thin. In fact, some called me “Skinny Kenny.” The nickname didn’t bother me because it was never said in a mean way. It was simply stating a fact. There were times, however, when I did not like being skinny. Back then, some advertisements
Is Lordship Salvation a Great Deal or a Fraud?
By Mike Lii In my family, I’m notorious for being a bargain hunter. I get a thrill when I can purchase a high-value item at a heavily discounted price. For example, my wife and son get hot during parts of the day during the summer months here in Texas. Why? I selected a nights-free electricity
Did the Thief on the Cross Ask for Salvation?
By Bob Wilkin Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42-43). Casey sent me an actual handwritten letter. He asked a series of super questions about this exchange: Did
Voice From the Past: Read Your Bible!
By Art Farstadi Many have heard the story of the man whose devotional reading consisted of cracking his Bible at random and reading the first verse his finger touched. One morning this was his verse for the day: “And Judas went out and hanged himself.” That can’t be it, he thought. So he tried again.
Begin at the Beginning
By Dix Winston Imagine reading the great Russian novel War and Peace by starting at the book’s midpoint. It would make no sense to you. Who is Pierre Bezukhov, or Audrey Bolkonsky, or the Kuragan and Rostov families? And why is Napoleon invading Russia? It would be difficult, if not impossible, to understand the author’s
Voice From the Past: The Doctrine of Rewards Part 1: Rewards and Grace
By Zane Hodges1 Among the very last recorded words of our Lord Jesus Christ are these: “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Rev 22:12, emphasis added). This is a clear and definitive statement on the subject of rewards by the
The Condemned Believer
By Kathryn Wright INTRODUCTION Many years ago, I lived in a small town in Texas. Once a fairly affluent area, the city had fallen on hard times. Certain businesses had moved away, as had many of the wealthy citizens. Many of the town’s buildings, especially its houses, stood vacant. Beautiful Victorian-style homes lined the streets.
What’s in a Word? Jesus and the Holocaust
By Ken Yates INTRODUCTION It is fascinating to study how the meanings of words develop and how different languages use a word. Recently, I heard a Spanish speaker use a word over and over again in a sermon. It was a word with which I was unfamiliar. At first, I thought he was saying causto.
The Magnificent New Creation of the Heavens and Earth
By Ken Pierce Each Fourth of July, many of my neighbors spend a chunk of change on fireworks purchased from pop-up vendors along the main road through town. The buying starts in late June. People really look forward to the holiday, many of them mainly because of the fireworks. Sporadic launches start a few days
Sad Saga of Saul, Part 1: A Believer Who Lost His Crown
By Philippe R. Sterling Saul was Israel’s first king. The Bible’s first mention of him paints a picture of physical perfection: “… choice and handsome…There was not a more handsome person…he was taller than any of the people” (1 Sam 9:2). His physical stature fit the ideal king’s description and was a significant factor in