Grace in Focus – July/August 2024
Why Am I a 0-Point Calvinist?
By Bob Wilkin Recently, I recorded a seven-minute YouTube video with the same title. It is available to view on the Grace Evangelical Society YouTube channel. When I graduated from DTS in 1982, I called myself a Calvinist. I considered myself a three-pointer. I’ve come to realize that all five points are a unit. You
Is the Forgiveness of Sins Equivalent to Everlasting Life?
By Mike Lii I. Introduction: Evangelism Based on the Forgiveness of Sins Have you ever heard the gospel presented as follows: “Believe in Jesus so that all your sins—past, present, and future—will be forgiven.” This kind of gospel presentation tells one to believe in Jesus for “the forgiveness of sins.” Is a gospel presentation that
A Book and Life in Jeopardy
By Marcia Hornok and Leah Gingery In November 2023, we sat around the dinner table with our adult children and spouses and reviewed our “Praise Notebooks” for the year. Holding our youngest daughter’s hand, her husband said somewhat drolly, “Highlight for January—my wife didn’t die. Highlight for February—Leah still didn’t die. March—Leah is still alive.”
The Dead Believer
By Kathryn Wright Introduction Many words and expressions fall under the category of “Christianese.” The way believers talk and the stock phrases we use to describe Biblical truth are often so rote that they become like a second language. Often, however, these sayings are rooted, not in Biblical terminology, but in our traditions. This is
Healing in His Wings: The Awesome Power of FAITH in Jesus Christ
By Ken Pierce The story of the woman with an issue of blood testifies convincingly to both the awesome power of faith placed in Jesus Christ and the importance of taking Him at His word. Unfortunately, some story elements may escape twenty-first-century readers less familiar than she was with the Tanakh (the Torah—Law, the Neve’im—Prophets,
Voice From the Past: Man’s Role in Conversion
By Zane C. Hodges* Man’s role in conversion is to BELIEVE The answer to the jailor’s classic question, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” is still the same, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:30-31; italics added). What must man do? He must believe. But can he
Are Eternal Rewards Secure? Part 2
By Bob Wilkin In Part 1, we saw that there are two types of rewards: instant winners and perseverance prizes. Instant winners are secure the moment they are earned. Perseverance prizes are only secure once one finishes the race (2 Tim 4:6-8). There are two related questions we will address in this article. Will we
Why Aren’t All Who Believe in Christ Overcomers?
By Bob Wilkin Many people who’ve watched my YouTube videos on assurance and eternal security have asked me to explain how we can be sure of our eternal security if we’re not sure we’ll be overcomers. They also wonder if 1 John 5:4-5 teaches that all believers are overcomers. An Overcomer Is Victorious The word
The Habit of Bible Reading
By Ken Yates I think many readers of this blog can relate to my church background. The churches I attended when growing up did not really teach the Bible. I never heard a sermon in which the speaker looked at the context and explained the meaning of the verses that were read. Once the Bible
Was Mark Driscoll Wrong to Make a Public Correction at the Stronger Men’s Conference?
By Kathryn Wright At a recent men’s conference in Springfield, Missouri, Mark Driscoll, the well-known former pastor of Mars Hill, was booted off stage during his guest speaking appearance. The “Stronger Men’s Conference” was hosted by the James River Church, pastored by John Lindell. The conference aimed to equip men to “live out God’s vision
Seek and You Will Find
By Ken Yates Introduction From time to time, I hear someone teach the strange idea that unbelievers cannot seek God. Now, left solely to mankind’s devices, that would certainly be the case. But God loves and reaches out to the whole world. Because of His initiative, unbelievers can indeed seek Him. Acts 17:27 is one
Toe Trouble on Aisle Four!
By Brad Doskocil Being a patient in the hospital is a helpless feeling. As I write this, I am in the hospital being treated for numerous injuries. The most severe injury is an infection in my right foot and the fourth toe of my right foot. As a patient, I am dependent on the attending