Dear Mr. Wilkin,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I must say first of all thank you for your continued support of my Christian walk and for the excellent materials that you have sent. I failed in not sending you a thank you letter and I must apologize for my seeming lack of concern. I have been so very busy teaching a Bible class for our chaplain here and the number has grown considerably. I am up to 24 people in my class and it has been a blessing to teach new Christians about Jesus Christ. I even got to witness to a Muslim a month ago while on medical chain to have surgery on my hand and praise God he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. So now I disciple him through the mail.
The Lord has been so good to me in allowing me to obtain some excellent study aids and to allow me to take seminary classes through the Seminary Extension out of Nashville, TN. I have a 4.0 throughout 5 classes. I ask that you would place in your prayers that the Lord would provide a sponsor for me to take another class because the man that was sponsoring me is leaving to go to Romania as a missionary in June and his finances are low because of this.
Thank you because I must say that I devour all the material that you send to me and it is placed to good use and distributed among my Christian brothers here.
In His Name and Blood,
Navasota, TX