Journal of the GES – Spring 2001
Toward a Narrow View of Ipsissima Vox
ROBERT N. WILKIN Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Irving, TX Since the late 1940s the Evangelical Theological Society (of which I have been a member since 1982) has been dedicated to two issues that are very dear to my heart—a defense of the inspiration and the inerrancy of Scripture. For if the Bible
The Salvation of Believing Israelites Prior to the Incarnation of Christ
SIDNEY D. DYER Greenville, South Carolina Editor’s note: The views of the author are not in all cases those of JOTGES. However there is much excellent and original material in this article. Dr. Dyer gives us much to think about. I. Introduction The title of Walter Kaiser’s book Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament shows that
Grace in the Arts: F. W. Boreham – Essayist Extraordinaire
JAMES TOWNSEND I. Introduction The name of Boreham only rhymes with the word boredom. At that point the similarity ceases. The popular preacher Warren Wiersbe said: “It amazes me that my favorite biographical handbook, Who Was Who in Church History, mentions Caesar Borgia…but contains not one line about Frank W. Boreham.” In 1975 Ruth Graham
“But If It Yields Thorns and Thistles”: An Exposition of Hebrews 5:11–6:12
J. Paul Tanner Chapter six of Hebrews, particularly vv 4-6, remains a classic interpretative challenge as well as a theological battleground concerning the issues of eternal security, perseverance, and assurance of salvation. Great evangelical stalwarts have parted company at this juncture. On the one hand, we find no less a scholar than I. Howard Marshall
The God Who Won’t Let Go
The God Who Won’t Let Go. By Dean Merrill. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998. 158 pp. Paper, $11.00. Merrill has written a compelling Christian-living book that unveils divine grace in the face of guilt, tragedy, and failure. This work accomplishes its solitary aim: to overwhelm the reader with the unconditional forgiveness of God. However, this
Uncommon Graces
Uncommon Graces. By John Vawter. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1998. 191 pp. Paper, $11.00. This popular Christian-living book by John Vawter may be one of the most important books that JOTGES members read this year. Although Vawter does not discuss how one may have eternal life, he does focus on how a believer who has
One to One: How to Share Your Faith with a Friend
One to One: How to Share Your Faith with a Friend. By Michael Green. Nashville: Moorings, 1995. 118 pp. (Cloth), $9.99. This is an attractive book. And it on an important topic: evangelism. The author clearly has a heart for personal evangelism. He urges that we take the initiative in sharing our faith with our
The Bema: A Story about the Judgment Seat of Christ
The Bema: A Story about the Judgment Seat of Christ. By Tim Stevenson. Gainesville, TX: Fair Haven Publications, 2000. 260 pp. (Cloth), $18.99. The cover of this book is a beautiful painting of one believer in the midst of a multitude appearing before the Lord Jesus Christ in all His glory. There is much I
Safe in the Arms of Jesus: God’s Provision for the Death of Those Who Cannot Believe
Safe in the Arms of Jesus: God’s Provision for the Death of Those Who Cannot Believe. By Robert P. Lightner. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2000. 96 pp. Paper, $6.99. The cover shows the picture of a small baby wrapping his entire hand around an adult’s finger with the child’s arm being enveloped in the palm
The Complete Book of Bible Prophecy
The Complete Book of Bible Prophecy. By Mark Hitchcock. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999. 243 pages. Paper, $11.99. JOTGES readers might question the relevancy of reviewing a prophecy book in a journal that typically confines itself to issues related to eternal salvation. Yet, why not review a book on prophecy? After all, biblical salvation includes
How to Lead People to Christ, Part 2: Our Invitation to Respond
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Toward a Narrow View of Ipsissima Vox
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