Journal of the GES – Spring 1995

The Gospel According to Rome

The Gospel According to Rome. By James G. McCarthy. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1995. 397 pp. Paper, $11.99. “The Turks are at the Gates of Vienna!” These dramatic words from the Louis de Rochemont film “Martin Luther” (1953) are relevant today. In the 16th century Lutherans were pressed to reunite with Rome to form
Keep the Fire!

Keep the Fire! By Don Anderson. Foreword by Dr. Howard Hendricks. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books, 1994. 288 pp. Paper, $8.99. The present reviewer has no trouble reading small print, but admittedly does belong to what the author calls “approaching your senior years.” Anderson has a masters degree in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and a
How Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian? What the Bible Says About Assurance of Salvation
How Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian? What the Bible Says About Assurance of Salvation. By Donald S. Whitney. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994. 160 pp. Paper, $7.00. I read this book with great interest, hoping to find a book on assurance that actually offered the readers 100% certainty of salvation based on the promises
The Myth of Certainty
The Myth of Certainty. By Daniel Taylor. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992. 158 pp. Paper, $9.99. Many people in and out of church today struggle with the issue of doubt. Am I saved or I am lost? Is the Bible trustworthy? With this book Taylor seeks to help such people. I appreciate his aim.
Unmasked! Recognizing and Dealing with Imposters in the Church
Unmasked! Recognizing and Dealing with Imposters in the Church. By O.S. Hawkins. Chicago: Moody Press, 1989. 99 pp. Paper, $5.95. I have mixed emotions after reading this book. On the one hand, I am very much in agreement with the author on the dreadful spread of liberalism in conservative churches, schools, and denominations. It’s important
John. By John Calvin. The Crossway Classic Commentaries. Alister McGrath and J. I. Packer, Series Editors. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1994. 473 pp. Paper, $13.99. This commentary was originally published in 1553, over 450 years ago. In his introduction, series editor J. I. Packer says, “This commentary is one of Calvin’s best pieces of work, and
The Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary: Volume 2: New Testament

The Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary: Volume 2: New Testament. Edited by Kenneth L. Barker and John Kohlenberger III. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1994. 1243 pp. Cloth, $32.99. This one-volume commentary on the NT is an abridgment of the 5 volumes of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary which cover the NT. As its title indicates, it
Lordship Salvation: Some Crucial Questions and Answers
Lordship Salvation: Some Crucial Questions and Answers. Including a Reply to “So Great Salvation” by Charles C. Ryrie and “Absolutely Free!” by Zane C. Hodges. By Robert Lescelius. Asheville, NC: Revival Literature, 1992. 217 pp. Paper, $6.99. Add another book to the lordship side of the Lordship Salvation controversy. The balance of books is on
Growing Through Conflict

Growing Through Conflict. By Erwin Lutzer. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1992. 156 pp. Paper, $5.99. This short and easy-to-read Bible study book is from the Life-in-Perspective Series. As always, Dr. Lutzer captures the reader with his simple, clear, and illustrative style. The book is meant to be read along with most of 1 and 2 Samuel
Leadershift. By Doug Murren. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1994. 228 pp. Cloth, $15.99. Doug Murren is a self-proclaimed “third-wave charismatic” who believes that all the sign gifts (such as prophecy) are active today. He has seen his church in Kirkland, Washington grow from just a few members to several thousand in less than 15 years.
The Population of Heaven: A Biblical Response to the Inclusivist Position on Who Will Be Saved
The Population of Heaven: A Biblical Response to the Inclusivist Position on Who Will Be Saved. By Ramesh P. Richard. Chicago: Moody Press, 1994. 170 pp. Paper, $9.99. The Population of Heaven is a excellent response to the inclusivist positions of Clark Pinnock and John Sanders. According to inclusivism, people don’t need to know anything
“Grace” by D. L. Moody
by D. L. MOODY* I am going to take tonight a subject rather than a text. I want to talk to you about Free Grace. I say “Free Grace”; perhaps I had better drop the word free and say just grace. There is a sermon just in the meaning of the word. It is one
We Believe In: Sanctification Part 5: Future Sanctification: Perfect, or Ultimate, Sanctification
I. Introduction To dwell above with those we love, That will indeed be glory; But here below with some I know, Well, that’s another story! Why is it that our fellow-Christians (and we mean believers, not mere professors) will seem so much more lovable in glory than they do at present? (This is to leave
A Critique of Keith A. Fournier’s a House United? Evangelicals and Catholics Together: A Winning Alliance for the 21st Century
Robert N. Wilkin Executive Director Grace Evangelical Society Irving, TX I. Introduction I am very interested in this book for a number of reasons. First, the man who assisted in the writing of this book, Bill Watkins, was my contemporary in seminary. Second, recently at a meeting of Bible scholars in Chicago, Bill and I
Believers and the Bema
EARL RADMACHER* I. Introduction Several years ago while I was preaching in a church in the state of Washington, the pastor forgot to pray before we proceeded. So, as he was about to sit down he said to me, “Oh, by the way, I forgot to pray. Would you pray before you preach?” And I
Grace in the Arts: The Alpha Stratagem an Annotated Work of Fiction – Part 2
FRANK D. CARMICAL Evangelist Harvester Ministries, Inc. Plano, Texas Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold . . . But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world . . . 1
A Hymn of Grace: Lord, with Glowing Heart I’d Praise Thee
ARTHUR L. FARSTAD Editor and FRANCES A. MOSHER Pianist, Christ Congregation Dallas, Texas LORD, WITH GLOWING HEART I’D PRAISE THEE Lord, with glowing heart I’d praise Thee For the bliss Thy love bestows, For the pard’ning grace that saves me, And the peace that from it flows: Help, O God, my weak endeavor; This