Journal of the GES – Spring 1994

What Was God Doing on the Cross?

What Was God Doing on the Cross? By Alister E. McGrath. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992. 123 pp. Paper, $7.99. What religious organization in its right mind would choose a noose or an electric chair as its logo? Symbols are crucial to people’s perception of what something stands for. The British Labour party, our
Divine Sovereignty & Human Freedom
Divine Sovereignty & Human Freedom. By Samuel Fisk. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1973. 175 pp. Paper, $5.99. “Brethren, be willing to see both sides of the shield of truth. Rise above the babyhood which cannot believe two doctrines until it sees the connecting link. Have you not two eyes, man? Must you needs put one
Why We Left Mormonism: Eight People Tell Their Stories

Why We Left Mormonism: Eight People Tell Their Stories. By Latayne C. Scott. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1990. 166 pp. Paper, $7.99. Conservative Republicans with “family values”; neat teenage “elders” with white shirts and dark trousers going door to door; a world-class choir-these are the images that Mormonism evokes for many. Historically-minded readers will
Ashamed of the Gospel. When the Church Becomes Like the World
Ashamed of the Gospel. When the Church Becomes Like the World. By John F. MacArthur, Jr. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1993. 254 pp. Cloth, $17.99. Having been concerned for years about some aspects of the modern church-growth movement, I hoped to find in this book careful analysis of the problems or potential problems. I was partially
The Gospel According to Matthew
The Gospel According to Matthew. By Leon Morris. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1992. 781 pp. Cloth, $39.95. Here is a well written, scholarly, thorough treatment of Matthew’s Gospel. However, it is flawed by a strong and consistent Lordship Salvation position. Concerning Matt 5:20 Morris followed a statement concerning God’s grace in salvation
Matthew: Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
Matthew: Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. By J. C. Ryle. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1993. 296 pp. Paper, $12.99. This commentary, originally published in 1860, is part of the Crossway Classic Commentaries. It was republished, as is noted above, in 1993. Anglican bishop J. C. Ryle (1816–1900) wrote this book at a popular level, so it
The Other Side of the Good News, Confronting the Contemporary Challenges to Jesus’ Teaching on Hell
The Other Side of the Good News, Confronting the Contemporary Challenges to Jesus’ Teaching on Hell. By Larry Dixon. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1992. 216 pp. Paper, $14.99. This is a very timely book in a day when many doctrines within the evangelical community are being questioned. The eternal, conscious punishment of unbelievers in the lake
Four Views on Hell
Four Views on Hell. Edited by William Crockett. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992. 190 pp. Paper, $10.99. Four Views on Hell discusses the literal, metaphorical, purgatorial, and conditional views of hell. Each view is presented by a proponent and then critiqued by the proponents of the other three views. John Walvoord defends the literal
Exit Interviews: Revealing Stories of Why People Are Leaving the Church
Exit Interviews: Revealing Stories of Why People Are Leaving the Church. William Hendricks. Grand Rapids: Moody Press, 1993. 305 pp. Cloth $17.99. When I opened my mailbox and saw Exit Interviews, the subtitle gripped my imagination: “Revealing Stories Why People Are Leaving the Church.” This book did arouse my attention. So much is written on
Nothing But The Blood
Nothing But The Blood. By Bailey E. Smith. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1987. 212 pp. Paper, $6.95. Nothing But The Blood is a book of good news and bad news. First, the good news. This book is a lot of fun to read. It is filled with excellent illustrations. Dr. Smith’s preaching, as it is recorded
Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology
Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology. By Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum. Tustin, CA: Ariel Ministries Press, 1993. 1,052 pp. Cloth, $30.00. The purpose of this book is to fill a conspicuous gap in the historical development of the systematic theology of Protestant Christianity. The author’s legitimate claim is that, of the twelve accepted categories of
Is Faith a Gift? – A Study of Ephesians 2:8
GREGORY P. SAPAUGH Kingwood, Texas I. Introduction The nature of faith is a prominent part of the soteriological discussions of recent years. Some believe that salvation is a gift from God and even the faith a person exercises in order to be saved comes from God. Others likewise hold that salvation is a free gift
We Believe In: Sanctification – Part 3: Present Sanctification God’s Role in Present Sanctification
ROBERT N. WILKIN Associate Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Irving, Texas I. Introduction In some ways, in a series on sanctification, this should be the easiest article to write. After all, for many people today the word sanctification is practically synonymous with present sanctification. Many books and articles have been written on
The New Puritanism Part 3: Michael S. Horton: Holy War with Unholy Weapons
(continued from last issue) ZANE C. HODGES Associate Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Mesquite, Texas Introduction In the previous issue we began our review of the book, Christ the Lord: The Reformation and Lordship Salvation, edited by Michael Horton (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1992). This is a symposium book with articles
A Voice from the Past: Paul’s Gospel
WILLIAM R. NEWELL There are two great revelators, or unfolders of Divine Truth in the Bible—Moses in the Old Testament, and Paul in the New. Someone may say, “Is not Christ the Great Teacher?” In a sense this is true; but in a real sense Christ is the Person taught about, rather than teaching, in
A Gospel Hymn of Grace: At Calvary
FRANCES A. MOSHER Pianist, Christ Congregation Dallas, Texas AT CALVARY Years I spend in Vanity and pride, Caring not my Lord was crucified, Knowing not it was for me He died on Calvary. By God’s Word at last my sin I learned; Then I trembled at the law I’d spurned, Till my guilty soul imploring
How to Share the Gospel Clearly
CHARLES C. BING Pastor, Burleson Bible Church Burleson, Texas Once, when I was invited to preach at an evangelistic rally in Dallas, the organizing pastor introduced me to a dear woman before the meeting. He had talked with her previously, but remained unsure whether she was saved or not. He left me alone with her,