Journal of the GES – Spring 1992
Coming To Terms with Discipleship
Charles C. Bing* Discipleship affects every Christian. Not only are we to be disciples, but we are to make disciples of others. But what is a disciple? The meaning of discipleship has taken on greater significance with the unabating interest in the debate over the relationship between salvation and sanctification fueled by the Lordship Salvation
A Voice from the Past: Look and Live
This letter, written on March 20, 1840, is taken from Memoirs of McCheyne, ed. by Andrew A. Bonar (Chicago: The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1947, rep. 1976), 91-93. Our title was chosen from the words we have italicized in the first paragraph. Robert Murray McCheyne1 I do not even know your name, but I
Grace in the Arts: Toward Singing with the Understanding – A Discussion of the Gospel Hymn—Part 1
Frances A. Mosher* I. Introduction Some standard hymnals are divided into topical sections such as “Worship,” “Gospel Testimony,” “Praise,” or “Invitation.” However, selections in a hymnal might also he divided according to historical, literary, and/or musical type and style. A particular type of congregational song known as the “gospel hymn” or “gospel song” (the two
Healing Grace—Let God Free You From the Performance Trap
Healing Grace—Let God Free You From the Performance Trap. By David Seamands. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1988. 192 pp. Cloth, $14.99. Over the years, there have been many books written about the theology of grace. But in Healing Grace, Dr. David Seamands has given us a book that powerfully demonstrates how grace can practically impact our
An Ember Still Glowing: Humankind as the Image of God
An Ember Still Glowing: Humankind as the Image of God.Harry R. Boer. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1990. 187 pp. Paper, $14.95. This book is a direct but friendly attack on the bedrock doctrines of Reformed theology by one who is himself a Reformed theologian. Boer writes boldly in an effort to salvage
The Cross of Christ
The Cross of Christ. By John R. W. Stott. Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1986. 383 pp. Cloth, $17.95. As a leader in British evangelicalism and in worldwide Christian mission, Anglican John R. W. Stott has widely impacted mainstream evangelicalism ever since the publication of his evangelistic work, Basic Christianity, in 1958. Dr. Stott’s early espousal
The Account Which We Must Give
The Account Which We Must Give. By Carl G. Johnson. Schaumberg, IL: Regular Baptist Press, 1990. 131 pp. Paper, $5.95. Confronted with the importance of the biblical concept of the future judgment of believers, and finding a dearth of publications on this subject, Carl Johnson was motivated to proclaim “the awesomeness of the judgment Seat
Growing in Grace
Growing in Grace. By Bob George. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1991. 215 pp. Paper, $6.95. This book by noted counselor and radio personality Bob George attempts to help believers understand who they are in Christ, how to experience freedom-from guilt, sin, etc.-and how to go on to maturity. As the title indicates, the author
Coming to grips with God’s discipline of the believer
Coming to grips with God’s discipline of the believer. By Erwin W. Lutzer. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991. 46 pp. Paper, $3.25 Can we always draw a direct connection between specific events and judgment from God for specific sins? Dr. Lutzer answers this question in God’s Discipline, and gives helpful instruction on this often-ignored subject. God’s
No Other Standard
No Other Standard: Theonomy and Its Critics. By Greg L. Bahnsen. Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1991. 345 pp. Paper, $9.95. No Other Standard is a response to the various objections that have been leveled at Bahnsen’s first book, Theonomy in Christian Ethics (Nutley, New Jersey: The Craig Press, 1977) and to theonomy in
Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love
Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God’s Unfailing Love. By Jerry Bridges. Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1991. 207 pp. Cloth, $14.95. Very few things catch the attention of modern man more than the offer of something free. When we hear the phrase “free, no strings attached,” our first reaction is usually healthy skepticism. Most of us believe
We Believe In: The Church
I. Introduction We of the Grace Evangelical Society—the national board, the boards of the Journal and of the GES Newsletter, as well as members in general—believe in the Church. GES is what is popularly known as a “parachurch” organization, that is, we parallel the Church in interest and activity and work alongside her, trying to
A Call to the Wedding Celebration: An Exposition of Matthew 22:1-14
Gregory P. Sapaugh* I. Introduction This article is an exposition of Matt 22:1-14, commonly referred to as the parable of the wedding celebration.1 It is one of twelve parables in Matthew concerning “the kingdom of heaven” and one of three which speak of “the darkness outside.” The prevailing interpretation of the passage is that it