Journal of the GES – Autumn 1997

Dostoevsky and His Theology
JAMES TOWNSEND Bible Editor Cook Communications Elgin, IL I. Introduction Alfred Einstein stated: “Dostoevsky gives me more than any other thinker.”1 Nicholas Berdyaev was professor of philosophy at the University of Moscow until he was expelled by the Communist regime in 1922. Berdyaev testified that Dostoevsky “stirred and lifted up my soul more than any
When Assurance Is Not Assurance
ROBERT N. WILKIN Associate Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Irving, TX I. Introduction There are many people today who say that assurance of salvation is possible, but that certainty is impossible. Unless one is very familiar with that way of thinking, this argument is puzzling. How can one have assurance and yet not
Voice from the Past: The Heart of the Gospel
This selection is taken from a book reviewed in this issue, The Gospel: Its Heart, Heights, and Hopes. The paragraph titles, American spelling preferences (honorable, etc.), some punctuation, and one vocabulary updating are the only changes made in the text. ARTHUR T. PIERSON1 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
A Hymn of Grace: No Other Plea
FRANCES A. MOSHER Pianist Christ Congregation Dallas, Texas NO OTHER PLEA My faith has found a resting place, Not in device nor creed; I trust the Ever-living One, His wounds for me shall plead. Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt; A sinful soul, I come to Him, He’ll
No Condemnation: A New Theology of Assurance
No Condemnation: A New Theology of Assurance. By Michael Eaton. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1995. 261 pp. Paper, $16.99. In a postscript to his commentary Ecclesiastes (IVP), Eaton cited Luke’s words in Acts 17:32-34: “Some…sneered…Others said, ‘We want to hear you again,’…A few…believed.” I believe his book will produce the same diverse responses. Many
Jesus Under Siege

Jesus Under Siege. By Gregory A. Boyd. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1995. 140 pp. Paper, $4.99. Jesus Under Siege is a popular defense of the authenticity of the Gospels and a refutation of the conclusions of the so-called Jesus Seminar. It is a summary of the author’s more detailed book, Cynic Sage or Son of God:
The Gospel: Its Heart, Heights & Hopes
The Gospel: Its Heart, Heights & Hopes Three Books in One. By Arthur T. Pierson. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1978, 1996. 702 pages. Cloth, $29.99. This volume, originally three separate books, is over 100 years old. Originally published in 1892, 1893, and 1896, they are derived from sermons Pierson preached at Charles Spurgeon’s church, the
Lordship — What Does It Mean?
Lordship—What Does It Mean? By R. Alan Day. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1993. 118 pp. Paper, $8.99. The author, Alan Day, is the pastor of a 3,500-member congregation, the First Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. He has also been an instructor in theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This book is well written, easy to
Repentance Versus the Heresies of Curtis Hutson & Jack Hyles
Repentance Versus the Heresies of Curtis Hutson & Jack Hyles: An Open Letter (dated Dec. 12, 1996) to Dr. Shelton Smith, Editor of Sword of the Lord. By Roland Rasmussen. Published in pamphlet form by Faith Baptist Church of Canoga Park, CA. 21 pp. $1.00. Having written my doctoral dissertation on repentance and salvation, I
What is Contemplative Spirituality and Why is It Dangerous? – A Review of Brennan Manning’s “The Signature of Jesus”
John Caddock Winchester, OR The Never-Ending Review Little did I know when I began to read The Signature of Jesus the time and effort that would be involved in understanding it. I am not a theologian by training. My background is in technical management in electronic component manufacturing. However, I stumbled onto something that I